当前西葫栽培品种单一,抗病性差,易感染病毒病,影响了产量和产值。我们于1999年引进一批稀特西葫品种进行观察试验,以期筛选出适合山东地区冬暖大棚(日光温室)种植的优质、高产、抗病、且经济效益好的优良品种。一、供试品种共选用4个西葫品种,即法国西葫、台湾金皮西葫、兴农玉黄、韩国西葫。二、试验方法 4个西葫品种均于1999年9月27日浸种催芽,种子露白时播于营养钵内,10月21日(幼苗4~5片真叶时)定植于SD-1型冬暖大棚内,高畦栽植,暗水定植。定植前苗穴内撒施少量5%涕灭威颗粒剂和40%五氯硝基苯酚预防苗期土传病害。定植后覆盖地膜。定植株行距:法国西葫50 cm×90 cm;台湾金皮西葫50 cm×60cm;兴农玉黄70 cm×70cm;韩国西葫(吊蔓栽培)60 cm×60 cm。其他栽培管理如施肥、浇水、打杈、温湿度管理等同当地常规
The current varieties of single squash cultivation, disease resistance, susceptible to virus disease, affecting the output and output value. In 1999, we introduced a batch of gypsophila varieties to observe the experiment, with a view to screening suitable for winter in Shandong greenhouse (greenhouse) planting high quality, high yield, disease resistance, and good economic efficiency of fine varieties. First, the test varieties were selected four varieties of the West Cucurbitaceae, that is, the French zucchini, Taiwan Jinpi zucai, Hing Nong yellow, South Korea Zucchini. Second, the test method All four varieties of seeds were on September 27, 1999 seed soaking germination, sowing seeds in the nutrient bowl when exposed to white, October 21 (4 to 5 true leaves when seedlings) in SD-1 winter Warm greenhouse, highland planting, dark water planting. A small amount of 5% aldicarb granule and 40% pentachlorophenol sprinkled in the seedling before planting were used to prevent soil-borne diseases at seedling stage. Cover the plastic film after planting. Planting row spacing: French squash 50 cm × 90 cm; Taiwan gourd 50 cm × 60cm; Xingnong Jade 70 cm × 70cm; South Korea zucchini (hanging vine cultivation) 60 cm × 60 cm. Other cultivation and management such as fertilization, watering, twisting, temperature and humidity management equivalent to the local routine