With fractional addition and subtraction is the fraction of the addition and subtraction of knowledge of this part of the difficulty .In previous years, I teach according to the conventional teaching mode, the effect is not so ideal, students difficult to understand; this year I adopted a “detour” teaching method, the effect is more Good. “Devious” teaching is to fully review the previously learned knowledge, from which to find the best path to solving problems.Mathematical knowledge a part of a closely linked with each other extremely close, so with the addition and subtraction of scores I teach students to review relevant mathematics and find unique ways to solve them, for example when I was teaching Example 1 of this section, I was guiding the students to list the formula 1 (4/5) +2 (2/5), and then guide the students to review the “fractionalized into fake scores,” so as to guide students to make 1 (4/5) and 2 (2/5) into fake scores 9/5, 2 (2/5) = 12/5), the formula can be turned into