将辐照外源 DNA 导入小麦。D_2代抽穗期、穗型、芒性、株高、穗长、主穗有效小穗数和单株粒重等性状都有变异,有的是供体性状,有的是供体和受体以外的性状。结果表明,辐照外源 DNA 导入小麦明显提高了花粉管通道技术的 D_2代诱变效果。
Irradiated foreign DNA into the wheat. The variation of heading date, panicle type, malleability, plant height, panicle length, number of effective spikelets per plant and grain weight per plant of D_2 generation varied. Some were donor traits, others were donor and recipient traits. The results showed that the introduction of irradiated exogenous DNA into wheat significantly increased the pollen tube channel technology D_2 generation mutagenesis.