In-situ Monitoring of Hydration Kinetics of Cement Pastes by Low-field NMR

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jojoyks
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Low field NMR technique was applied to investigate the hydration of cement pastes with different water to cement ratios or addition of superplasticizer. As a nondestructive method, this technique can be used to monitor the hydration kinetics process by following the changes of longitudinal relaxation time (T1) of water constrained in the pastes. The experimental results indicate that the T1 distributions of water in the fresh paste normally exhibite bimodal distribution, where the large peak is corresponding to the free water while the small one is contributed by the water stored in the flocculations. Time dependence of the weighted average T1 has a good agreement with the hydration process and could be divided into four stages, i e, initial period, dormant period, accelerated period and steady period. The hydration mechanism of each stage was described based on the theory of cement chemistry. In addition, the total signal intensity, which is proportional to the content of the physically bound water in the samples, decrease successively during the hydration reflecting the consumption of physically bound water by hydration reactions. Low field NMR technique was applied to investigate the hydration of cement pastes with different water to cement ratios or addition of superplasticizer. This technique can be used to monitor the hydration kinetics process by following the changes of longitudinal relaxation time (T1 ) of the water constrained in the pastes. The experimental results that that T1 distributions of water in the fresh paste normally exhibite bimodal distribution, where the large peak is corresponding to the free water while the small one is contributed by the water stored in the flocculations . Time dependence of the weighted average T1 has a good agreement with the hydration process and could be divided into four stages, ie, initial period, dormant period, accelerated period and steady period. The hydration mechanism of each stage was described based on the theory of cement chemistry. In addition, the total signal intensity, which is proportional to the content of the physical ly bound water in the samples, decreasing successively during the hydration reflecting the consumption of physically bound water by hydration reactions.
那时我刚刚参加工作,在街津山下的二十七队当农工。村子西边的卧牛河,发源于街津山,常年流水不断,向北汇入黑龙江。这条河里除了细鳞、山鲶鱼、哲罗、雅巴沙和狗鱼等冷水鱼以外,到了夏天涨伏水的时候,江里的鲤鱼、草根、青根、胖头、鲫鱼和鲶鱼等也会游进河里觅食。见河里鱼多,队长老周决定在河口挡个渔亮子,派我和老李一起看管。  那天,老李回村办事了,留我一个人在河边看守渔亮子。  卧牛河里的鱼是多,平静的河面上
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在新课标下编写的新教材在我市实施已有五六年,而且已分别试用“北师大版”和“人教版”两种.这两种新教材都充分体现了新课程改革的意图,改变了以往课程内容偏难、烦琐、陈旧的倾向,并打破了单一的课程结构,构建了体现综合性、均衡性、选择性的新课程体系.  新教材改变了以往数学教材只注重单纯数学知识、远离生活实际的体系,充分体现了数学知识就在实际生活中,就在我们身边的理念.  一、要上好数学“课改”课,需要把
一条清粼粼的小河从大学校园中穿过,把校园一分为二。每个早晨,总有一位鹤发童颜的老人,沿着小河慢跑,从东向西,再从小河的另一边跑回来。这位老人姓赵,是中文系的教授,平和朴实,总是温和地微笑。  可是,有不少学生对这位教授的印象并不好。据说,文革时,一个造反派把一大碗剩菜扣在他脑门子上。他呢,只是呵呵笑着,也不理自己满脸的污秽,而是先把造反派身上溅落的一片菜叶子擦掉了。经过学生们一届一届地口口相传,教