在当今这个世界上,如果用宗教信条将自己束缚起来,做一个安分守己的老实人,完全等于自杀。只有傻瓜才这么干。这个道理,尽管娇丽娜不厌其烦地向她丈夫侯赛因说过不下一千遍,但他还是无动于衷。特别是拿他跟考里木·汗相比,更惹得他火冒三丈。 考里木是全村赫赫有名的夜间行窃的小偷。每逢夜深人静,他便在夜幕的掩护下,划着小船外出活动。上哪儿去,去干什么,无人知晓。可是第二天早晨,邻村的果园主
In today’s world, if you bind yourself with religious creed, being an honest man who is self-serving and self-serving is equal to suicide. Only fools do that. This truth, although Finale took the trouble to say her husband Hussein a thousand times, but he still indifferent. Especially with him compared with the Cohim Khan, but also provoked him furious. Kalimu is the thief of the famous night stealing in the village. In the dead of night, he was covered in the night, paddling a boat out activities. Where to go, what to do, no one knows. However, the next morning, the orchard owner in the neighboring village