一氧化碳(CO)中毒,是常见的临床急症之一。家庭用煤炉及煤气泄漏是生活性中毒最常见的原因。中毒的特点是神志障碍或昏迷,病情危重者,如不及时救治,部分病人将现场死亡。我院自1997年开展社区服务,院前急救CO中毒患者106例,收到较好效果。与未经院前急救直接护送至医院者相比,在缓解时间、住院率、死亡率等方面具有明显差异。 1 临床资料 106例院前急救病例中,男47例,女59例,年龄6~78
Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is one of the most common clinical emergencies. Household coal stoves and gas leaks are the most common causes of life-threatening poisoning. Poisoning is characterized by delirium or coma, critically ill who, if not timely treatment, some patients will die on the scene. Our hospital since 1997 to carry out community services, pre-hospital CO poisoning patients 106 cases, received good results. Compared with those who escorted directly to the hospital without first aid before hospitalization, there were obvious differences in terms of time to relieve, hospitalization rate and mortality. 1 Clinical data 106 cases of prehospital emergency cases, 47 males and 59 females, aged 6 to 78