Based on the mass fraction of β-Si3N4: SiO2 = β-Si3N4 (β-Si3N4≥95%, mass fraction), which is the by-product of ferroalloy industry, 2: 1 ratio, respectively, the specific surface area of 1.19,1.67,2.48m2 / g of β-Si3N4 and SiO2 were uniformly mixed and shaped, respectively, by 1300,1400,1500,1600 ℃, 3h buried carbon (non-contact carbon) heat treatment , And the natural cooling of the sample after XRD, SEM analysis. The results show that Si2N2O slowly reacts with β-Si3N4 and SiO2 starting from 1300 ℃. The reaction rate of Si2N2O increases with increasing temperature above 1500 ℃. At 1300 and 1400 ℃, the reaction is mainly solid-solid reaction and β-Si3N4 Of the specific surface area of Si2N2O, the larger the specific surface area, the higher the amount of Si2N2O. Above 1500 ℃, as the silica powder shrinks and liquefies, β-Si3N4 is encapsulated and cemented together, and the reaction mode is solidified - liquid reaction, the reaction speed was significantly accelerated, accelerating the formation of Si2N2O, β-Si3N4 specific surface area of Si2N2O formation was not obvious.