无论将来媒体如何发展,党报群众工作的地位不变,因为: 第一,要办好报纸,就必须做好通联工作。新闻传媒之间的竞争之一就是新闻源的竞争。以时代的瞭望哨、社会的晴雨表为特征的新闻纸,要及时、充分地向受众反映客观现实,谁反映得好,反映得快,谁就能赢得更多的受众,谁就能在市场上站稳脚跟。因此,继续把报纸的通讯员队伍建设工作摆在重要位置,才能保证报纸信息新、真、量大,赢得读者。
No matter how the media develops in the future, the party’s status as a mass work remains unchanged because: First, to properly handle a newspaper, it is necessary to do a good job in communicating with the masses. One of the competition between news media is the competition of news source. Newsprint featuring the lookout of the times and the barometer of society should promptly and fully reflect the objective reality to the audience. Those who reflect well and who reflect faster will win more audiences in the market Build a firm foothold. Therefore, continuing to put the newspaper correspondent team construction work in an important position can we ensure that newspaper information is new, true and large, and win readers.