This article compares the earthquakes in North China during 1918-1976 with those in Japan and the nearby islands in Japan and finds that there is a good correspondence between the two. In general, the series of earthquakes of magnitude 7-8 preceded the trough in Japan, followed by a deep-source earthquake of h ≥ 300 km in the western part of Japan Sea. Finally, a strong earthquake with M ≥ 6 occurred in North China. A statistical analysis of the fourteen active periods since 1918 resulted in a complex correlation coefficient of R = 0.82, which passed the F-test at a high level of significance. Japan trench earthquake about 30 years of repetition. Since 1926, the active center of the Japan Trench Earthquake has drifted 3 ° -4 ° to the north. At the same time, the seismic activity in North China has migrated to the north at the same rate. The correlation between seismicity in terms of time and intensity, the related migration in epicenters, and the focal mechanism suggest that strong earthquakes in North China may be controlled by the subduction of the Japanese trench plateau, and some material flow may exist in the upper mantle aisle.