对长江下游北岸的南通地区兰花如何越冬的问题,初涉兰界的朋友有两种看法;一是兰花很能抗寒。在本地过冬,只需移至室内,无须温室、暖棚或其它防寒设备;二是兰花最怕冻,在此地安全越冬不易。两者各有其道理,但又都存有偏见。下面笔者从6个方面谈谈自己的看法。 1.兰种之间的区别具有养兰知识的人都知道:在国兰中,春、蕙、建、寒、墨兰的抗寒能力
On the north bank of the Yangtze River downstream of the Nantong orchid overwintering problem, the first friends involved in the blue world there are two views; first, orchids are very cold. Winter in the local, just moved to the interior, without the greenhouse, warm shed or other cold equipment; the second is the most afraid of frozen orchids, safe winter here is not easy. Both have their own reasons, but there are prejudices. The following author from six aspects to talk about their own views. 1. The difference between species orchid Have knowledge of people who have knowledge of Lan: In the country of Lan, spring, LOH, built, cold, Cymbidium cold ability