
来源 :四川农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zywlaoying
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五十年代雷火虫曾在嘉陵江下游的低山区和丘陵区猖獗一时,成为当时水稻上主要害虫之一。后来广谱、高效、高残留杀虫剂六六六普遍用于稻田,同时田坎豆减少,挖稻桩铲田坎等农事活动的开展,雷火虫的繁殖生存环境遭到严重威胁,虫口密度才急剧下降。七十年代后期,六六六对环境污染严重,选出了一批高效、低毒、低残留农药进行取代。至1982年底,六六六被迫停产,与此同时,原来被控制在经济阈值以下的雷火虫便乘机东山再起,发生量迅速上升。到1984年,隆昌、富顺、荣昌、宜宾、荣县、犍为等县的一些低山、丘陵区均已达到防治指标。雷火虫的猖獗→消沉→再猖獗过程,与稻田六六六施用量的大幅度起伏有密切关系。雷火虫又名花腰杆、爬茅虫,学名叫稻赤斑黑沫蝉,属同翅目,沫蝉科(也叫吹泡虫科)。 In the 1950s, thunder insects were once rampant in the low mountains and hilly areas of the lower reaches of the Jialing River, becoming one of the major pests on rice at that time. Later, broad-spectrum, high-efficiency and high-residue pesticides, 666, were commonly used in paddy fields, and at the same time, the reduction of tiankandu and the excavation of paddy fields with shovels and other agricultural activities were carried out. The breeding environment for thunder and fire insects was seriously threatened, decline. In the late seventies, 666 were seriously polluted by the environment, and a number of highly efficient, low-toxic and low-residue pesticides were selected to replace them. By the end of 1982, 666 was forced to stop production. At the same time, the thunder and lightning insects, which were originally controlled below the economic threshold, took the opportunity to resume their activities and their occurrences rose rapidly. By 1984, a number of low mountains and hilly areas in Longchang, Fushun, Rongchang, Yibin, Rongxian and Qiongxian counties had reached the control targets. The thunderstorm thunderstorm → depression → re-rampant process, and the amount of 666 rice paddy has a significant ups and downs are closely related. Lei fire insects, also known as Yaobei, Cochrane, scientific name is rice red spot black cicadas, Homoptera, Cicadidae (also known as blowing bubble insects Division).