Improving Online Learning through the Use of Design Thinking

来源 :中国远程教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smlz
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  Neil Anderson, Carolyn Timms and Karim Hajhashemi
  The paper reports on a component of a larger on-going national Australian study funded by the Australian Office for Learning and Teaching, which is currently examining the use of design thinking strategies and steps in Australian universities across multiple discipline areas and in various modes, including online and face-to-face subjects. One illustrative case study is presented that outlines how design thinking was used in an online subject, and examines the perceptions of the university staff in relation to design thinking. The academic staff used design thinking strategies when planning the course and the students’ main assessment piece involved the use of design thinking to create an innovative, web-based learning activity for their school-based students. The key findings were that university students could successfully use design thinking strategies to improve their design of online learning activities for school-based students and that university instructors could successfully use design thinking to improve online university subject design. Instructors had varying, but compatible perceptions regarding the concept of design thinking and its usefulness.
  Keywords: Design Thinking; online learning; e-learning; higher education; distance education; ICT
  Learning Credit Bank Systems: Three Meta-Questions
  Jiang Ying
  Learning credit bank systems have become one of the buzz words in recent years. Nevertheless, many research studies focused more on the “how” rather than the “what” and “why” about constructing learning credit bank systems. This study draws attention to such fundamental issues as the classification of learning outcomes, the relationship between learning credits and learning credit bank systems, and credit dimensions. Learning outcomes are classified according to cognitive styles, areas of study and education levels. In terms of the relationship between learning credits and learning credit bank systems, differences in connotations, standards and target groups are to be examined. As to credit dimensions, learning outcomes are to be measured according to learning hours, learning objectives, difficulty levels and abilities. These arguments are to serve as practical principles for learning credit bank systems construction.
  Keywords: learning credit bank; meta-questions; correlation test
  Campus Culture in Open Education: A Tree Theory
  Chen Xuexiong   Campus culture is the soul of a university, the value system the university adheres to and operates in. Without a physical wall, the open education campus consists of the distance online campus where all ODE activities happen (including online spaces, mobile learning campus, etc.) and the actual campuses where all the local learning centers and practice base locate. It is the inherent requirement for open education to strengthen campus culture in order to improve quality and build brand names. The Tree Theory of campus culture in open education is formulated through practice in “ODE culture” brand-building. It aims to promote the core value as the “root culture”, the characteristic connotations as the “trunk culture”, the ITC support as the “brunch culture”, and the variety of manifestations as the “leave culture”.
  Keywords: open education; online learning; campus culture; Tree Theory
  ITC Efficiency in Primary and Middle School Education: Investigation
  in Five Provincial Capitals in China
  Zuo Xiaomei
  In this study, ITC efficiency and influencing factors are surveyed, by means of stratified random sampling, in primary and middle schools in 5 provincial capitals in China. The result shows that most of the teachers and students think highly of the ITC efficiency but that differences exist among different teacher and student groups in terms of knowledge and use of ITC. It is argued that use of ITC needs to be enhanced and that factors influencing the use of ITC are multi-layered and multi-dimensional. Therefore, a constant improvement in ITC efficiency in primary and middle schools needs both active involvement from students’ part and virtuous cycle of ITC development from the schools.
  Keywords: ITC efficiency in education; subjective perception survey; developed regions
  Learner Analysis in Non-Degree Continuing Education: A Study Based
  on Tianjin Public Service Platform for Lifelong Learning
  Liu Lina, Ping Fan and Yang Shunqi
  With the publication of National Outline for Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development (2010-2020), vigorously developing non-degree continuing education (NDCE) has been one of the key tasks of higher education. The NDCE development strategies and measures will quicken the steps of learning cities and learning society. This study, taking Tianjin Open University’s non-degree programs as an example, analyses the learners’ characteristics, as well as the status quo of NDCE. It puts forward counter measures against the current issues, and also new thinking for developing learning cities.
  Keywords: learning cities; non-degree; continuing education; distance learner
  Canvas Supported Flipped Classroom: the Case of the Course
  FLASH Animation Design
  Hu Jianping
  Indispensible of the support of online environment, flipped classroom is an effective pedagogical model for learning improvement. Based on analysis of the most frequently used learning management systems (LMS), their strengths and weaknesses, this study focuses on Canvas platform and its strengths and features. A Canvas based flipped classroom project-based teaching mode is analyzed, taking the Course FLASH Animation Design as an example, with its pre-, while-, and post-classroom activities and their effectiveness evaluation. It is found that flipped classroom supported by Canvas platform can improve classroom efficiency and provide opportunities for teacher-student interaction.
  Keywords: Canvas; flipped classroom; project based teaching
【摘 要】  本研究以科学引文数据库Web of Science核心集合中SCI-E、SSCI引文数据库为研究样本来源,选取自1981年起至今共478篇企业数字化学习领域文献。采用文献计量法、内容分析法,运用HistCite和CiteSpace两款文献可视化分析软件分析该领域研究脉络及研究热点。通过引文编年图、知识图谱、科学评价指标对研究历程的发展阶段及研究方向、学科领域、研究机构、研究学者及研究
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[编者按] 对于广播电视大学而言,把《教育规划纲要》所要求的“办好开放大学”落到实处,实现广播电视大学向开放大学的战略转型,无疑是一项令人振奋、但也颇为艰巨的任务。本刊卷首曾指出,由于多种因素的作用,数十年来,广播电视大学建设中国特色开放大学的进程充满曲折,开放大学建设和远程教育发展的诸多基本问题尚未得到解决;推动战略转型,很可能意味着那些较深层次的问题将更趋尖锐;无论是老问题还是新问题,都只能在
海词积累  1. daub v. 涂抹  2. cast v. 投;掷  3. cuticle n. 表皮  4. formula n. 配方  5. plant n. 工厂  It is the classic picture flashed across the world during every Indian general election-smiling voters holding
【摘 要】 学习环境研究一直是开放教育的重大命题。随着我国开放教育的不断发展,已有的在线学习环境已经不能满足学习者的需求,特别是在交互性与课程管理等方面亟待改善。本文结合开放大学的应用需求和云计算与移动互联网等新一代信息技术对构建新型教学模式带来的机遇,提出从学习活动管理、课程管理、学习内容管理和个人学习空间等方面设计云端综合的学习环境,并在珠海广播电视大学开展课程教学应用实践,结果表明:新型云端
据美国亚特兰大日报(The Atlantic)6月7日的报告,在线服务供应商(online program managers,OPMs)与非营利大学和学院合作,通过学费分成每年获利数百万美元。  OPMs设计、开发和运行在线教育项目。如伯克利大学与在线教育公司2U合作开设数据科学专业在线硕士学位课程,学费约6万美元。这类在线教育服务每年的市场份额约11亿美元,其中一半被2U、Academic Pa
【摘 要】  在在线教育如火如荼的今天,远程开放教育理论的阙如越发凸显,严重影响技术对教育的促进作用。鉴于这种情况,重新审视远程开放教育理论,包括经典的和新兴的理论乃至与远程开放教育密切相关的其他学科理论,意义自不待言。这正是日本国际基督教大学郑仁星教授主编《重新审视远程开放教育理论:数字时代的启示》一书的主要目的。本书能给广大远程开放教育决策者、实践者和研究者带来很多有益启发和启示。考虑到一般读
摘要:作为现代文学史上的经典之作,鲁迅的短篇小说《孔乙己》用成亨酒店小伙计“我”的视角写出了底层知识分子“近乎无事的悲剧”,展示了社会边缘人无力的抗争。而时至将近百年后的新世纪,莫言的短篇小说《冰雪美人》也是一首“无事的悲歌”,这篇小说在人物刻画、环境设置等方面都与《孔乙己》有着异曲同工之妙。这两篇小说都淋漓尽致地展现了边缘人近乎无力的反抗,历史传统以它的惯性导演了两个人相同的悲剧命运。  关键词