This paper describes the theoretical and experimental results of the transmission disturbances caused by the existence of the rocket plasma in the transmission medium between the ground station and the rocket. Its purpose is to provide quantitative data on the impact of the plasma zone on transmission, which is of great importance for the design of the universe’s telemetry equipment and communications systems. Discussed the basic transmission impact. Including multipath scattering, forward scattering and backscattering, the definition of all important signal transmission parameters is given and described. After describing and discussing typical measurement results from the Saturn trial series, the channel characteristics are briefly discussed. Three main effects of the flame plasma zone on signal transmission are highlighted, namely the possibility of a significant drop in the level of the received signal, a severe reduction in the coherent bandwidth caused by the (spatially separated) multipath, and a very high The decline rate. The effects of these influences on the signal design and demodulation of the launch vehicle terminal or relay aircraft are discussed.