On September 3, 2007, hosted by China Garden Publishing House, Guangdong Landscape Architecture Society, Guangdong Real Estate Industry Association and Guangzhou Urban Afforestation Association, Guangzhou Youjia Investment Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Palm Garden Engineering Co., Ltd. “2007 China (Guangzhou) Home Gardening Development Seminar cum Friends of Horticulture theme mall concept conference ” held in Guangzhou home Expo victory. The meeting invited many experts and scholars from domestic and international landscapes, horticultural industry, real estate and circulation industry, industry associations and related functional departments to the theme of "new needs, new industries, new services Limited by the first home gardening one-stop business model and the resulting home gardening, the status quo and development of the new industry conducted an in-depth and effective discussion witnessed and opened a new era of Chinese home gardening.