“说吧,女人”,这是一个倾诉的园地。四季的轮回,带走多少故事,想留在心底的,应该是最美好的记忆。但是,无论你是成功的女人,还是平凡的女人,生活中总会遇到一些或令你烦心,或令你痛苦,或令你迷惘的事情。不要紧,你的所有问题都可以告诉我们,主持人娜尔丝等候你的倾诉!本栏目还提供心理咨询服务,聘请心理医生就你提供的问题作全面的回答。你还可以把你的故事写成文字寄给我们(为了保护你的隐私,本刊对你的姓名、单位名称及你提供的故事要做适当修改,请你谅解。来函敬请注明详细联系方式)。联系方式Email:[email protected]:517881424电话:0351-7230748寄信:山西省太原市广场收投分局1号信箱《家庭护士》“说吧,女人”栏目邮编:030001
“Say it, woman,” this is a talkative garden. Four seasons of reincarnation, take the number of stories, want to stay in my heart, should be the best memory. But whether you are a successful woman or an ordinary woman, there are always things in life that annoy you, distress you, or confuse you. It does not matter, you can tell us all the questions, the host Narcissus waiting for your talk! This section also provides psychological counseling services, hire a psychiatrist to provide you a comprehensive answer to the questions provided. You can also write your story into the text sent to us (in order to protect your privacy, the journal of your name, company name and the story you provide to make the appropriate changes, please forgive me. Please write down the letter, please contact us ). Contact Email: [email protected]: 517881424 Tel: 0351-7230748 Mailing Address: Taizhou City, Shanxi Province, the Office of Investment Sub-branch Box No. 1 “home nurse” “say it, woman” section Post Code: 030001