改良喷播植草技术是在湿式普通液压喷播的基础上 ,通过改进部分施工工艺而使红砂岩边坡一次喷播成功 ,无论是成坪速度 ,还是成坪效果均比客土喷播优良 ,而成本仅为客土喷播及其他生物防护的 2 5 %~ 5 0 %。
Improved spray sowing grass planting technology is based on wet ordinary hydraulic sowing, through the improvement of part of the construction process so that a succession of red sandstone sowing success, both the formation rate, or forming the effect of better than sowing earthworm, The cost is only 25% ~ 50% of the total amount of soil sprayed and other biological protection.