今年是郑和下西洋600周年,从中央到有关省市都隆重举行各种纪念活动,缅怀这位明代著名的外交家和航海家,弘扬和传承他开创性的航海业绩与对外开放的和平外交成就,这对于正处在改革开放新时期的我华夏之邦,具有广泛而深远的历史和现实意义。本刊特邀请两位友人,吴淞商船学校老校友、原上海航海协会理事长洪振权和我社老编卫太夷,发表文章,回顾十五世纪初,郑和统帅的庞大远洋船队,开创了从西太平洋到印度洋的洲际航线,架设起中国连接亚非30 多个国家的友谊之桥的伟大壮举。
This year marks the 600th anniversary of Zheng He’s departure from the West. Various commemorative activities have been ceremoniously held by the Central Government and relevant provinces and municipalities, cherishing the memory of the famous diplomat and navigator of the Ming Dynasty, carrying forward and passing on his groundbreaking achievements in navigating and opening up to the outside world for peaceful diplomacy This is of great and far-reaching historical and practical significance to China, which is now in the new period of reform and opening up. The journal invited two friends, an alumnus of Wusong Merchant Shipping School, Hong Zhenquan, former chairman of Shanghai Maritime Association, and an editor in chief of our society, published an article reviewing the huge ocean-going fleet commanded by Zheng He in the early 15th century The intercontinental route from the western Pacific to the Indian Ocean has set the great example of China’s bridge of friendship that connects more than 30 countries in Asia and Africa.