“银烛秋光冷画屏,轻罗小扇扑流萤。” 萤火虫,这美丽的小精灵在夜幕下一闪一灭,不仅把大自然的夜晚点缀得更富有诗情画意,而且还激发了科学家的无数灵感。 为了爱情的“小灯笼”全世界的萤火虫大约有1500种,他们发出的光一般是黄绿色,也有发出橙黄和橙红色的
“The silver candle was cold and painted in the autumn with a small fire-fighting firefly.” The fireflies, this beautiful elf flickered at night, not only embellished nature’s night with more poetic, but also inspired countless inspiration for scientists. . There are about 1500 kinds of fireflies around the world for the love of “little lanterns”. The light they emit is usually yellow-green, and it also emits orange and orange red.