人类社会在过去几千年里取得了长足的进步。由小国寡民老死不相往来的古代社会跨入今天全球化的信息时代。可就在我们取得伟大进步的同时,疾病也在如影随行地跟随着我们,而且还在不断地增加和扩散。 农耕增加了疾病在以猎捕动物、采集野果为生的原始社会里,引发疾病的病原
Human society has made great progress in the past few millennia. Ancient societies that had not been brought together by small and small nations and old people have entered the information age of globalization today. Just as we have made great progress, the disease has followed us along the way, and it has continued to increase and spread. Farming increases the incidence of diseases in primitive societies where animals are caught hunting for wild animals.