
来源 :小学教学设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangrong2000
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传统的英语教学认为,教师向学生传授了教材中的词汇、句子和语法就意味着完成了阅读教学任务,经常停留在“教教材”的狭隘认识中,机械地让学生重复抄写;或者不懂得如何在阅读教学中传授阅读技巧和阅读策略,导致许多学生误以为阅读的目的就是做练习。这种做法不仅浪费了学生 The traditional English teaching believes that teachers teach students vocabulary, sentences and grammar in the textbook, which means that they have completed the task of reading teaching, often stay in the narrow understanding of teaching materials and mechanically repeat the copying, or Do not know how to teach in reading teaching reading skills and reading strategies, resulting in many students mistakenly believe that the purpose of reading is to do exercises. This practice not only wastes students