本刊从第5期起推出《国外特种化工rrrrrrrrrn文献精选》栏目,以文摘、简介的形式报道从国外rrrrrrrrrn购买、引进的各种有重要使用价值的最新化工文献rrrrrrrrrn资料。rrrrrrrrrn ‘’精选”收录特种文献的主要来源有:①通过rrrrrrrrrn内部渠道获得的文献资料;②与国外著名咨询机构rrrrrrrrrn签订合同购买的高价资料;③出国考察、技术讲座rrrrrrrrrn或技术交流资料;④联合国及其他国际机构或公司rrrrrrrrrn提供的资料;⑤其他珍贵原版图书、年鉴和国际会rrrrrrrrrn议资料。rrrrrrrrrn 从第6期起,“精选”将刊登在本刊“综合信rrrrrrrrrn息”栏目中。如需了解详细内容请与舒伊联系。rrrrrrrrrn 电话:01044444032
From the 5th issue of this issue, the “Special Foreign Chemicals rrrrrrrrrnSelection of Selected Publications” section was introduced. It was reported in the form of abstracts and brief introductions from abroadr rrrrrrrrnPurchasing and introducing all kinds of latest chemical documents with important use valuerrrrrrrrr n information. rrrrrrrrrn The main sources of the ’’Featured’’ collection of special literature are: 1 throughrrrrrrr rrnDocuments obtained by internal channels; 2 Signed high-priced data with famous overseas consulting agenciesrrrrrrrrrn; 3 Study abroad, technology Lecturesrrrrrrrrrn or technical communication materials;4United Nations and other international agencies or companiesrrrrrrrr rnInformation provided;5Other precious original books, yearbooks, and international conferencesrrrrrrrrnMeasurement information.rrrr rrrrrn From the 6th issue, the “Featured” will be published in the journal “General Letterrrrrrrrrrrnn ”In the column. For details, please contact Shu Yi.rrrrrrrrrn Tel: 01044440432