9月7日,位于朝阳门外的中国人寿总部,新任掌门人杨超上任三个多月来首次亮相,与管理团队一起出现在媒体面前。对新任领导人来说,选择亮相的时机非常重要。这天无疑是一个好日子。与新管理团队同时亮相的还有一份中国人寿2005年上半年的成绩单,上面显示:2005 年上半年,中国人寿保险股份有限公司总收入达494.2亿元,同比增长26.9%,净利润达52.1亿元,同比增长85.2%;平均股本回报率达7.4%,比去年同期的4.5% 提高了2.9个百分点。
On September 7, Yang Chou, the newly appointed head of China Life Insurance at its headquarters outside Chaoyang, made its debut in more than three months and appeared with the management team in the media. For the new leader, the timing of the selection and appearance is very important. This day is undoubtedly a good day. Also appearing at the same time as the new management team is a transcript of China Life’s first half of 2005 showing that in the first half of 2005, China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. achieved a total revenue of 49.42 billion yuan, an increase of 26.9% over the same period of previous year with a net profit of 52.1 An increase of 85.2% over the same period of last year; the average return on equity was 7.4%, 2.9 percentage points higher than the 4.5% of the same period of last year.