十年前的3月12日,锦江集团在上海正式诞生。 十年间,中国改革开放的大潮,使锦江集团这一响亮的名字犹如插上腾飞的翅膀,飞出了上海,飞向全国,飞向世界,引起了世人的瞩目。 十年后,锦江集团已经发展成为一家以饭店业为支柱产业,包括旅游、金融、交通运输、房地产、食品加工、物业管理、商贸等八大行业近百家企业的跨地区、跨行业、跨所有制的紧密型、综合性的大型企业集团,成为中国第一家国际性的饭店管理公司,被人们称作中国的希尔顿。1993年与1984年相比,营收增长14倍,利润增长8倍,创汇增长5.5倍。在国际权威杂志《HOTELS》评定的全世界200家著名饭店管理集团中,榜上有名者锦江集团为国内唯一一家,《亚洲周刊》也将锦江集团列为全球500家华资大企业之一。
Ten years ago on March 12, Jinjiang Group was officially established in Shanghai. In the past decade, the great tide of China’s reform and opening up has made the name of the Jinjiang Group such as the wings of take-off soaring, flew out of Shanghai, flew across the country, and flew to the world, attracting the attention of the world. Ten years later, Jinjiang Group has developed into a cross-regional, cross-industry, cross-ownership system with a hotel industry as the pillar industry, including tourism, finance, transportation, real estate, food processing, property management, commerce, and other eight industries. The compact and comprehensive large-scale enterprise group became the first international hotel management company in China and was called the Hilton of China. Compared with 1984 in 1993, revenues increased by 14 times, profits increased by 8 times, and foreign exchange earnings increased by 5.5 times. Among the world-famous 200 hotel management groups assessed by HOTELS, the international authority magazine, Jinjiang Group is the only company on the list. Asia Weekly also listed Jinjiang Group as one of the top 500 Chinese-funded enterprises in the world.