For parotid benign tumors, surgery is an effective cure. According to the location, size and nature of the parotid tumor, we treated 116 parotid benign tumors with personalized surgery. Among them, in 59 patients with personalized regional excision, 5 cases of temporary facial paralysis, 12 cases of salivary fistula and subcutaneous effusion, complete recovery after 2 weeks to 3 months; parotidectomy + total resection Cases, temporary facial paralysis occurred in 16 cases, salivary fistula and subcutaneous effusion in 5 cases, after partial pressure dressing 2 to 3 weeks after the wounds were cured; facial deformity partial regional resection was changed little after 1 year of observation no significant Facial deformity deformity, and shallow lobectomy or total resection facial deformity obvious; Frey’s syndrome, regional resection did not occur in 1 case of parotid shunt, parotid total resection occurred in 1 case. The patients were followed up for 1 to 3 years, no tumor recurrence, no permanent complete facial paralysis. Parotid benign tumor resection more personalized, less trauma, does not increase the recurrence rate, can reduce the incidence of postoperative complications.