碟子萝卜学名芜菁,因肉质根像蝶子,故名碟子萝卜,又叫扁萝卜,是我省永丰县一个古老的农家蔬菜品种,栽培历史达数百年之久,一般亩产6,000~7,000斤,高的达万斤以上。它的主要特点是:容易栽、产量高、品质好、耐贮藏。现将主要栽培技术简介如下:一、整地 碟子萝卜它的主要产品是肉质根,所以栽培土壤应选择有机质含量高、疏松、排灌良好的沙壤土栽培。前作收获后翻耕,每亩施鸡粪灰20~30担或猪牛栏粪40~50担作底肥。然后打碎、耙平,作成5~6尺宽的畦。二、育苗 播种期与产量有密切关系。播种过早气温高、不利秧苗生长;过迟则缩
Dish turnip scientific name turnips, because of succulent roots like butterflies, named plate dish radish, also known as flat radish, is an ancient province of Yongfeng County, a farmer vegetable varieties, cultivation history for hundreds of years, the general yield 6,000 ~ 7,000 Kg, high up to more than kilos. Its main features are: easy to plant, high yield, good quality, resistant to storage. Now the main cultivation techniques are as follows: First, the preparation of plate radish Its main product is fleshy root, so the cultivation of soil should choose high organic matter content, loose, well-drained irrigation of sandy loam soil cultivation. Before the harvest tillage, per hectare of chicken manure dust 20 ~ 30 dan or cattle ranch dung 40 ~ 50 dan as base fertilizer. Then smash, rake flat, made of 5 ~ 6 feet wide 畦. Second, seedling planting and yield are closely related. Sowing too early high temperature, adverse seedling growth; then contracted