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  Abe: Hey there pretty lady, you and your 1)gal pals heading over to the square to do a bit of dancing?
  Esther: You know us too well!
  Abe: You mind if I 2)tag along? ①I could use a little eye candy this morning…
  Esther: Oh, you old brute. You have a onetrack mind.
  Abe: ②That may be, but I’m far from a onetrick pony. I’ve got some moves of my own I could show you. Like this sexy hip roll: Oh!!
  Esther: You silly old fool. You broke your hip again didn’t you?
  Abe: Nah. I just need a little—Ugh—stretch first.
  Esther: You also need to slow down a bit. We’re already in enough trouble as it is. ③The last thing we need is your kids bringing a 3)wrongful death suit against us, with our pending legal matters still up in the air.
  Abe: It’ll take more than some twerking to 4)sideline old Abe. Wait! Did you say legal problems? What’s the matter?
  Esther: ④Oh, I think it’s much ado about nothing, but our morning square dancing has apparently rubbed some people the wrong way, and so police were called and told that we were disturbing the peace. Can you imagine some helpless old ladies trying to disturb people’s lives? Who do they think we are? Don’t they realize we are just simple seniors, taking the time to meet with friends and stay in shape?
  Abe: Be that as it may, I can see it from the other side as well. We are retired, so our purpose now is to what?
  Esther: It’s the same as it’s ever been; to pursue happiness.
  Abe: And for you ladies to do that it involves shaking those gorgeous 5)rumps of yours to the sounds of 6)gongs and drums every morning.
  Esther: That’s one way of putting it.
  Abe: But how about all those college student dorms right over there? Or those working class apartments next to the park? The people living there need quiet time in the morning and at night to, I don’t know, rest, study, write or whatever they have to do for their own slice of happiness.
  Esther: I’m too old to look at things from others’7)perspectives. I just wanna dance.
  Abe: Don’t you get it? It’s not about the dance. It’s about the noise.
  阿贝:那一点点的伤痛怎么能让老阿贝停止他的舞步呢。等等!你是说法律问题吗?怎么回事?   埃斯特:哦,我认为那无非就是小题大做,但是我们早晨的广场舞很明显触怒了一些人,所以有人报了警,称我们正干扰他人的清静。你能想象一些无助的老妇人在企图打扰人们的生活吗?他们以为我们是谁?难道他们没意识到我们只是普通的老人,花点时间见见朋友、保持一下身材而已?

  Smart Sentences
  ① I could use a little eye candy this morning… 今天早上我就可以一饱眼福了……
  eye candy: sth. that is intended to be pleasant to look at but has no real meaning(中看不中用的人或物,比喻某个人或物很养眼)。例如:
  A lot of the coffee-table books are little more than eye candy: cute photos with one-line captions and that’s about all.
  ② That may be, but I’m far from a one-trick pony. 或许吧,但我不仅仅只有这一招。
  one-trick pony: sb. who does one thing well, but has limited skills in other areas(只有一样本事的人)。例如:
  Amy is merely a one-trick phony. Besides English vocabulary, she does not know much about the language and can’t communicate with others.
  ③ The last thing we need is your kids bringing a wrongful death suit against us, with our pending legal matters still up in the air. 我们最不想的就是你的子女因为你的过失致死而起诉我们,而我们的法律问题仍然悬而未决。
  up in the air: sth. not settled, uncertain(悬而未决)。例如:
  We don’t know whether we’ll go to Taiwan or Hong Kong during the Spring break—everything is still up in the air.
  ④ Oh, I think it’s much ado about nothing, but our morning square dancing has apparently rubbed some people the wrong way, and so police were called and told that we were disturbing the peace. 哦,我认为那无非就是小题大做,但是我们早晨的广场舞很明显触怒了一些人,所以有人报了警,称我们正干扰他人的清静。
  much ado about nothing: a lot of trouble and excitement about sth. which is not important(小题大做,庸人自扰)。例如:
  People have been getting very upset about the seating arrangements for the annual sales meeting, but as far as I’m concerned it’s all much ado about nothing.
  rub sb. the wrong way: irritate or annoy sb.(惹怒某人,触犯某人)。例如:
  The mayor’s remarks about the air pollution rubbed a great many people the wrong way.市长关于空气污染的言论把许多人惹火了。

摘 要:“精神顿悟”和“重要瞬间”是西方现代小说中的两个重要概念,对西方现代小说尤其是意识流小说的理解起到了关键作用。本文通过分析精神顿悟与重要瞬间两个概念的内涵,在文本分析的基础上比较分析了它们的异同,指出这两个概念都关注人物的瞬间意识反映和心理变化,是现代小说“向内转”的成功典范。  关键词:精神顿悟;重要瞬间;现代小说;意识流  [中图分类号]I06  [文献标识码]A  [文章编号]100
摘要:结构型大纲和功能与意念大纲都曾对ESP教学产生过影响,由于它们各自的特点和局限,带来了ESP教学中的不足和缺陷。综合两种大纲的特点,提出建立一套适合我国ESP教学的综合性的教学大纲:结构—功能大纲,以提高ESP教学的质量,满足学习者的不同需求。  关键词 :结构型大纲 ;功能与意念大纲 ;结构—功能大纲 ;ESP教学  [中图分类号]H319  [文献标识码]A  [文章编号]1006-28
摘要:在外语界,从课堂心理环境来探讨外语教学方面的文章寥寥无几。本文通过调查、介绍英国college的外语课堂心理环境,分析英国外语课堂心理环境和我国外语课堂心理环境的差异,从而提出我国college外语课堂教学改革的建议。  关键词 :我国外语课堂心理环境 ;英国外语课堂心理环境;外语课堂教学改革  [中图分类号]H319  [文献标识码]A  [文章编号]1006-2831(2007)04-0
摘 要:CECL(交际英语教程)课是广东外语外贸大学为英语专业本科一二年级学生开设的一门综合英语课,是国家级精品课程。问卷调查考察了学生对CECL课堂教师使用母语(即中文)的态度,结果表明:学生们赞成教师尽量用英语,但同时也赞成教师适时使用中文;他们主张教师使用英语主要是在关注英语输入、英语学习环境和交际机会,但同时又对教师使用中文持正面态度的原因主要在于中文对教师信息的表达和加深理解有帮助;另外
埃博拉是一种十分罕见的病毒,1976年在苏丹南部和刚果(金)的埃博拉河地区被发现,之后引起医学界的广泛关注和重视,“埃博拉”由此而得名。埃博拉病毒是一种能引起人类和灵长类动物产生埃博拉出血热的烈性传染病病毒,有很高的死亡率,致死原因主要为中风、心肌梗死、低血容量休克或多发性器官衰竭。  自去年起,埃博拉疫情在西非地区大规模暴发,感染和死亡人数创历史新高,这再次引起了各国的高度重视。埃博拉究竟是什么
广场舞(Square dance)是中国城市群众文化的一大特色,遍及大江南北,每当夜幕降临或者天刚蒙蒙亮的时候,热衷者们便活跃在辖区内各个能集聚人群的场地上,开启伴歌而舞的休闲生活。跳广场舞的人起初多为上了年纪的大妈大爷,现在也有很多年轻人加入其中。  跑酷(Parkour)是一项街头疾走极限运动,有点free-running的意思,再配合猿猴一样的灵活攀越。跑酷是结合攀爬、跳跃、急跑、翻滚等多种
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2006年12月15日上午九点,由广州市科协技术协会主办、广州翻译协会和广州外事翻译学会承办、暨南大学协办的科技沙龙“国际翻译与广州社会发展”在暨南大学学术报告厅隆重举行。此次讲座由广州翻译协会会长黄建华教授主持。  外交部翻译室副主任张建敏首先作了《对外交往与翻译》的演讲,作为经常为国家领导人担任翻译的资深口译员,他从中国对外交往的发展、外交工作的重要性、翻译质量的关键性、译员如何提高翻译水平等