委内瑞拉的艺术家Carlos Cruz-Diez是位色彩实验家,对于色彩的线条、感知不断持续的探索,并且结合科技展开了一连串的色彩实验,欣赏他的作品就好像重新认识色彩一样,且要小心翼翼,不要陷入他所布下的色彩陷阱。巧妙且精细的作品背后都是细心且严格的科学理论。
Venezuelan artist Carlos Cruz-Diez is a colorist. He continuously explores the color lines and conducts a series of color experiments in combination with science and technology. Appreciating his works is like re-understanding colors, and he should be careful not to Fall into the color trap he has laid. Behind the ingenious and sophisticated works are careful and rigorous scientific theories.