Review and Exploration of the Development of Planning for the Conservation of the Famous Historical

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To comprehend the development of the famous histori-cal and cultural cities in China and their conservation plan-ning, it is necessary to understand, first of all, the back-ground of their history and present condition. This back-ground has taken shape in the historic development of thecities and is influenced by many complicated factors of thepresent time. To discuss these factors in simple way, theycan be summarized as follows:The impact of the historical and cultural ideas;The impact of the physical and environmental condi-tion;The impact of the present socialand economicsituation.The impact of the historical and cultural ideasChina is a country with ancient civilization. TheChinese cultural has been shaped through development, in-heritance and harmony in a history of 5000 years on the ba-sis of the ancient Huaxia Culture with the Yellow River andthe Yangtse River as the main arteries.The rising of ancient cities in China can be traced backto over 3500 years ago. China is a multinational country. Int To comprehend the development of the famous histori-cal and cultural cities in China and their conservation plan-ning, it is necessary to understand, first of all, the back-ground of their history and present condition. This back-ground has taken shape In the historic development of thecities and is influenced by many complicated factors of the present time. To discuss these factors in simple way, theycan be as as: the impact of the historical and cultural ideas; The impact of the physical and environmental condi-tion The impact of the present socialand economicsituation.The impact of the historical and cultural ideasChina is a country with ancient civilization. TheChinese cultural has been shaped through development, in-heritance and harmony in a history of 5000 years on the ba-sis of the Ancient Huaxia Culture with the Yellow River and the Yangtse River as the main arteries.The rising of ancient cities in China can be traced backto over 3500 years ago. China is a multinat Ional country. Int
奥钢联林茨厂的新热镀锌板生产线开始正式生产具有较高表面质量的产品 ,该产品将主要用于汽车面板。该生产线是林茨厂的第三条热镀锌生产线 ,耗资 1 .2 7亿欧元 ,预计将于 2
准备在场地上画一个大圆圈做池塘。做法选两个人做渔民,用短绳将内侧两只脚系在一起,成2人3只脚。其他的每4人一组,成一路纵队,后一人双手扶前 Prepare to draw a big circl
帖子来源:U客论坛·历史考古帖子名称:科学家提出惊人见解:金字塔的巨石是人造的(有删节)  帖子地址:  发帖时间:2009年5月29日  楼主:奎目郎119    [编者]:一个全新的栏目,希望借助这个栏目,将大家在U客论坛中的“胡言乱语”发布到这里,使更多的读者可以在这些“稚嫩”的思想火花中有所得,有所思。也
A cat sings  A cat sings,  It’s very nice.  And it’s not long,   It’s not short.    Not long and not short,   It is just right.  Come on, little cat,   Sing it, sing it.    小猫唱歌  小猫唱歌,  歌声美妙。  歌儿不长,  
冬天来到了,为了一年的储备够吃,主人们干了一天活儿,走在回家的路上。今年是小兔子的本命年,小兔子更卖力。这时,采蘑菇的小芸妹,看到队伍的后面紧跟着一只狼……小朋友,狼是群居动物吗?  1. 用最快的速度到达终点。  2. 狡猾的兔子准备好几个藏身的窝,比喻隐蔽的地方或方法多,做好了充分的准备。  3. 小朋友,请你取支笔以雪花迷宫中心的福字为起点,如果你能很快不重复地一笔连接全部“禄”字,你将事事