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  古人云:“凡事預则立,不预则废。”英文中也有类似的说法,比如“Failing to plan is planning to fail” (没有计划就是计划着失败)。项目计划是项目管理的重要组成部分,本文指出了项目经理做项目计划时要谨记的三点:帕金森定律(Parkinson’s Law)、学生综合征(Student Syndrome)和墨菲定律(Murphy’s Law)。
  Did you know there are some fundamental rules for project managers when planning? Effective planning is the foundation and starting point for any successful initiative. As the saying goes: “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” Planning is an essential part of all project management methodologies. While most methodologies include specific tools and techniques project managers can and should leverage when creating and maintaining their project plans, there are a few general rules that should be taken into account and that are not explicitly spelled out in project planning material. This article outlines three rules, based on observations by insightful management practitioners. I encourage every project manager to keep the three rules in mind when planning and managing their projects.
  Parkinson’s Law
  This law states that “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”This statement was part of an article published in The Economist in 1955 by Cyril Northcote Parkinson, a British author, based on his experience working in the British civil service. Parkinson’s Law notes that the time you estimate for a specific task will likely be used in full even if the task could actually be completed in a shorter period of time. The same applies to meetings. A meeting planned for one hour will likely go on for the whole hour even when the planned objective of the meeting was achieved within the first thirty or forty-five minutes. In most cases, if you give someone four hours to complete a task, they will likely spend at least the full four hours on the task even if it could be completed in two hours. People will find things to do, which may be useful but not necessarily essential, to fill the whole time allotted for the task. Parkinson’s Law can be leveraged in planning by taking the padding out of individual task estimates and challenging project team members to be creative and explore ways to complete their tasks within the targeted shorter timeline. However, Parkinson’s Law should not be used to set unachievable goals. Additionally, project managers should keep a contingency buffer for the whole project to be used in cases where the assumed estimates for individual tasks were too ambitious. This approach is one of the techniques used by the Critical Chain method.   Student Syndrome
  This term was coined by Eliyahu M. Goldratt, an author, and originator of the Theory of Constraints(TOC), in his book, The Critical Chain. Goldratt used this term to refer to project team members pushing work to the last moments and working at a slower and more relaxed pace at the beginning of a task, similar to what students do by pushing work on their assignments or studying for an exam until the last day before the exam or the assignment’s due date. It is not possible to eliminate the Student Syndrome completely, but there are techniques a project manager can leverage to keep it under control: allocating shorter time estimates to tasks and keeping a buffer as a backup plan; identifying milestones for completing specific tasks and monitoring progress against these milestones with the project team on a regular basis, and creating shorter, more manageable tasks to uncover Student Syndrome symptoms, address them early on and prevent a larger impact on the project schedule.
  Murphy’s Law
  Murphy’s Law basically points out that whatever can go wrong will go wrong. It was coined after Captain Edward A. Murphy, an engineer who said something along these lines when working on a project at Edwards Airforce Base in 1949. What this means is to always plan for the worst. You can hope for the best and assume best-case scenarios, but not without having a backup plan and maintaining a contingency buffer for the time when things go wrong or when tasks take longer than estimated. Also, this makes risk management even more critical. Start with the assumption that things will go wrong and your project is already at risk. Keep your eyes on the long run and plan ahead for potential surprises. Make risk management part of your ongoing project management routine and encourage your project team and all stakeholders to proactively look out for risks and work together to brainstorm options for managing risks.
  These three rules are based on very insightful observations, and many of us can relate to these based on our own experience. Keeping these rules in mind not only helps with better planning but also increases the chances of project success. Such rules instill a more thoughtful and proactive approach to managing projects, anticipating risks, and planning for these risks and surprises ahead of time. P
  (Note: The article was originally published on PM World 360 Magazine.)
  About the author:Salah Bugazia, PMP, MBA, has over 20 years of background in business and information technology, large project delivery and program management, as well as strong business acumen and hands-on technical expertise.
电网是我国重要的基础设施和公用设施,承载着巨大的社会责任。在纳入统计数据的大型电力企业中,2019年电网工程建设投资完成5 012亿元,2020年完成4 699亿元。电网工程投资数额大、建设周期长,因此将有限的资金进行合理安排,以提高投资的综合效益显得十分重要。电网公司拥有年度、周期滚动规划和计划,有原则、有计划、科学合理地选择项目进行建设具有重要意义。国内多位学者围绕电网工程投资决策展开研究,田
项目是永恒和普遍的。埃及金字塔的建造、现代城市的发展、欧盟的建立……所有这些成就都是通过项目将想法变为现实的例子。基于项目的工作是人类成就的引擎。项目推动了社会进步,使不可能的梦想成为现实。  针对影响项目成功的因素,我研究了上千个成功或失败的项目,之后开发了一个工具——“项目画布”(Project Canvas)框架。该框架由14个影响项目成功的因素组成,它们被归为4个维度,每个维度在项目成功中
如何进行有效的项目决策,确保公司“做正确的项目”?如何有效提升项目绩效,从组织层面“把项目做正确”?如何对多项目进行有效协调,实现资源利用与价值的最大化?……组织级项目管理已成为公司的核心竞争力。本文以工银科技有限公司(下称“工银科技”)项目管理信息化平台项目为例,还原金融科技企业如何从0到1打造组织级项目管理平台。  七项赋能:组织级项目管理落地  工银科技作为中国工商银行股份有限公司(下称“工
20世纪70年代,中美、中日关系改善之后,中苏关系问题再次成为全球关注的焦点。  改善中苏关系,对维护世界和平是件大功大德的事。邓小平以超人的智慧、非凡的胆略、艰苦的努力,揭开了中苏关系新的一页。    走过历史,把中苏关系的大门推开一条缝    中苏之间的关系非一般国家可比,两国既有传统的友谊和同盟关系,又遗留着沙俄时代留下的领土争端以及赫鲁晓夫时代的意见分歧,这些历史旧账、新账,多年来就像厚重
2015年,英国项目管理协会(Association of Project Management,APM)发布了《项目成功的条件》(Conditions for Project Success),该报告列出了影响项目成功的12个因素。目前,该报告正在更新中。针对报告的主题,本刊特邀撰写者之一马丁·桑菲尔(Martin Samphire)对该报告进行解读。  马丁·桑菲尔拥有30年项目管理经验,现任
2015年9月,多国领导人在联合国峰会上通过一整套旨在消除贫困、保护地球、确保所有人共享繁荣的《改变我们的世界:2030年全球可持续发展议程》(Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development)。它涵盖17个可持续发展目标(Sustainable Development Goals,SDGs)及169个具体目标。
1  International Journal of Project Management, Volume 39, Issue 3, Page 217-320 (April 2021)  穆天(音译)等基于组织学习理论,研究了任务冲突对合作创新项目成功的影响。  乌帕斯纳·阿加瓦尔(Upasna Agarwal)等通过两种决策类型(战略与运营/战术)和3个不同级别的心理契约状态探讨了两种领导风格
2021年3月,(美国)项目管理协会(Project Management Institute,PMI)发布了2021年《职业脉搏》(Pulse of the Profession)调查报告(下称“报告”),主题是“超越敏捷”(Beyond Agility)。在组织日益强调敏捷的背景下,报告对于防止人们狭隘、片面和孤立地应用敏捷方法,具有重要作用。  报告的基本内容:体操型企业  报告开篇指出,在