Forest visualization at multiple scales for management and planning

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gg106419
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In this study forests were visualized at various scales by placing individual trees into a forest with realistic sizes and densities. Tree images were used from two sources: high quality field photos and images created using graphic design software. The terrain, species composition, and tree sizes and density from forest inventory were all represented in GIS data format. In addition, non-tree objects and features that are essential for close-to-reality visualization were combined with the tree images in a 3-D visualization software package. We further portrayed stand level effects by animating a simulated fly-through of a forest. To visualize temporal change, a case study of four different forest patches was animated. The advantages of this approach comparing to other visualization approaches are: (1) it represents the forests with realistic individual tree images; and (2) it maintains both visual and informational realism in a forest viewable from within-stand to landscape scales. Thus, this approach is realistic in two aspects. First, it is almost as realistic as a photograph, and secondly, its information content is actual forest composition, density, and height. In this study forests were visualized at various scales by placing trees into a forest with realistic sizes and densities. Tree images were used from two sources: high quality field photos and images created using graphic design software. The terrain, species composition, and tree sizes and density from forest inventory were all represented in GIS data format. In addition, non-tree objects and features that are essential for close-to-reality visualization were combined with the tree images in a 3-D visualization software package. portrayed stand level effects by animating a simulated fly-through of a forest. To visualize temporal change, a case study of four different forest patches was animated. The advantages of this approach comparing to other visualization ways are: (1) it represents the forests with realistic individual tree images; and (2) it maintains both visual and informational realism in a forest viewable from within-stand to landscape scales. Thu s, this approach is realistic in two aspects. First, it is almost as realistic as a photograph, and secondly, its information content is actual forest composition, density, and height.
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