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随着新课程的不断推进,在《义务教育语文课程标准》中明确指出,阅读是学生认识世界、发展思维、获得审美体验的重要途径。对于小学生而言,阅读不仅是识字的重要途径,还是学生了解民族文化、拓展知识途径、提高写作能力、培养综合素质的有效手段。因此,在小学语文课程中,培养学生的阅读能力是至关重要的。因此,对如何提高小学语文教学有效性提出相应的策略。 As the new curriculum continues to advance, it is clearly pointed out in the Compulsory Education Curriculum Standard that reading is an important way for students to understand the world, develop their thinking and gain aesthetic experience. For primary school students, reading is not only an important way of literacy, but also an effective means for students to understand national culture, expand their knowledge channels, improve writing ability and cultivate overall quality. Therefore, in the primary Chinese curriculum, to develop students’ reading ability is crucial. Therefore, we put forward corresponding strategies on how to improve the effectiveness of Chinese teaching in primary schools.
元素周期表中规律较多,经笔者总结归纳,主要表现在以下几个方面,希望对读者有所启示.    一、数量规律  1.元素种数规律:  (1)各周期元素的种数与周期数的关系  设m代表元素种数,n代表周期数.