巍巍九朝古都洛阳不仅以其深远的历史文化底蕴闻名于国内,而且在计划经济时代以其众多的国有大中型企业为荣。像洛玻、洛轴、洛拖等都曾称霸于同行,在转入市场经济之后,这些企业逐渐失去了昔日的风采。而此时,民营企业这朵奇葩悄悄地绽放了。 现代市场经济的竞争,从某种角度来看,是创新精神的竞争。每一个名牌的背后,都有一个具有强烈创新精神的企业家和一个在市场竞争中搏击成功的企业。名牌的根本在于质量,围绕质量的创新不断进行制度的创新与突破,是洛阳冠奇工贸有限责任公司成功的基础,也是民营企业成功转型的关键。
Towering in the ancient capital of nine dynasties, Luoyang is not only known for its far-reaching historical and cultural heritage, but also proud of its large state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises during the planned economy. Like Los Angeles, Los axis, Los drag and others have dominated in the peer, after entering the market economy, these companies gradually lost their former style. At this time, this wonderful work of private enterprises quietly bloom. The competition in the modern market economy is, from a certain point of view, an innovation-based competition. Behind every brand name, there is an entrepreneur with a strong sense of innovation and a successful fight in market competition. Brand name lies in the quality of the fundamental, continuous innovation around the quality of the system innovation and breakthroughs, Luoyang crown odd Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. The success of the foundation, but also the key to successful transformation of private enterprises.