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  (IESM 讯) 2015年9月25-27日,举世瞩目的“联合国可持续发展峰会”在纽约联合国总部举行。
  (IESM News) More than 150 heads of states and governments gather at United Nations headquarter, New York for the UN Sustainable Development Summit from 25 to 27 September.
  Topics discussed at the Summit include elimination of poverty and hunger, fight against inequality, empowerment of women and children, leaving no-one behind, promotion to sustainable economic increase and transition, promotion to sustainable consumption and production, earth protection and tackling climate change. In addition, roles of private sectors, civil society and technology innovation in achieving sustainable development goals will also be discussed on different forums and meetings.
  In the Summit, for world peace and prosperity and sustainable development, the 193 member states of the United Nations today formally adopted Transforming our world--2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which is composed of 17 goals and 169 targets to wipe out poverty, fight inequality and tackle climate change over the next 15 years.
At the night of June 27th, 2015, in the eight immortals waterpark of Xibei North of Taiwan, a dust explosion accident happened because of the color powder during the Color Play party. The fire caused
At the intersection of Wenchang Road and Zhonghua Road in Anyang City, Henan Province, stands one of the ten major projects to attract investment of Anyang Municipal Government -- Anyang World Trade C
不久之前在英国布莱顿树木茂郁的街道之间,爆发了一场以中产阶级为主体的抗议活动,与以往不同的是,这场抗议活动无关薪酬,无关权益,而是为了争夺一株古老榆树的生存权。  这是一株在此处伫立了170余年之久的60英尺高的古老榆树,她作为见证者曾历经了两次世界大战以及一次荷兰榆树病的洗礼,而今却因为其庞大的根系可能会破坏其下人行道和马路结构,也可能会给使用轮椅和推车的行人经过带来不便,而险遭绿党当地议会的砍
Italy - a beautiful and ancient nation - is one of the hottest tourist attractions in the world by virtue of its unique historical cities, beautiful natural sceneries and rich history, culture and tra
In the leafy avenues and boulevards of Brighton, a very middle-class protest has erupted over the future of just one tree, a historic elm.  The old elm tree has stood in the same place for more than 1
2013年9月22日是第四个“世界犀牛日”,今年的主题是:“永远的五种犀牛”。犀牛属于世界珍稀的野生动物,是《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》中的一类保护动物。近年来,受生态变化和人类活动的影响,全球犀牛数量不断减少。  据俄罗斯之声网站消息,南非的犀牛偷猎者创下了“新纪录”——自年初以来的9个月内,704只犀牛被猎杀,已超过2012年全年的数字。南非的犀牛只剩下2.2万只。照此趋势,偷猎者在201
当地时间2013年4月27日,菲律宾马尼拉,菲律宾首个太阳能馆在黎刹公园内正式开放。该建筑由2000个可回收蔬菜箱组成,运用了多种绿色技术。这一项目由My Shelter Foundation基金会发起,目的是为全国2万8千户贫困地区的家庭供电。  引言  随着工业生产、能源生产、农业耕种以及保障服务业的不断增长,难以控制的人类活动开始对环境造成无法逆转的改变,如今的人类正面临着一个危险的时刻。为
A report from Financial Times pointed out that after Beijing made the record of three-month serious air pollution, some companies responsible for foreigners’ residential services were preparing for th