国家安全审查犹如一道看不见的墙,让意图在美拓展的中国企业频频遇阻,但这是否意味着美国对来自中国的投资关上了大门呢?“我们是被迫高调,是奥巴马签署了法令,作出了一个我们认为不公正的裁决,不起诉他起诉谁呢?”10月18日,三一集团有限公司(下称“三一集团”或“三一”)总裁向文波在专门召开的媒体沟通会上这样说。一家中资公司通过法律途径挑战美国总统的权威,史无前例。9月28日,奥巴马签发总统令,以涉嫌威胁美国国家安全为由,中止了Ralls Corporation(下称Ralls)公司位于美国俄勒冈州的风电项目,该公司为三一集团在美关联公司。美国总统因国家安全问题阻止一个商业项目并签发总统令,这背后的原因耐人寻味。10月18日,三一集团就此事在北京召开媒体沟通会,三一集团副总经理、美国Ralls公司CEO吴佳梁介绍其在该项目上遭遇了不公正待遇。
National security review is like an invisible wall, so that Chinese companies intending to expand in the United States frequently encounter obstacles, but does this mean that the United States has closed the door to investment from China? “We are forced to high profile, signed by Obama Act, made a ruling we think is not fair, do not sue him prosecute who? ”“ October 18, Trinity Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ”Trinity Group“ or ”Trinity") president To Wenbo in a special media communication meeting to say so. A Chinese company has challenged the authority of the U.S. president through law. On September 28, President Obama issued a presidential decree that stopped the Ralls Corporation (Ralls) wind farm project in Oregon, the U.S.-based affiliate of Trinity Group, on suspicion of threatening U.S. national security. The reason behind the U.S. President’s decision to block a commercial project and issue a presidential decree for national security issues is intriguing. On October 18, Sany Group held a media communication meeting on this issue in Beijing. Wu Jialiang, the deputy general manager of Trinity Group and CEO of Ralls Company of the United States, introduced the unfair treatment on the project.