太极,从远古时代的防身技能,到现代人们强身健体的一种运动,一直受到人们的喜爱。英国普利茅斯福特(Ford Primary School)小学积极推广太极文化,受到师生的热烈欢迎。他们对太极的喜爱之情,远远超出了人们的想象。虽然这些七八岁的孩子,在学太极之初,动作显得有些稚嫩和生硬,在经过反复操练,并给他们解释每种招式的含义后,孩子们的学习劲头与日俱增。随着时间的推移,他
Tai Chi, from the ancient times of self-defense skills, to the modern people a physical exercise, has always been the favorite of people. The primary school at Ford Primary School in the United Kingdom actively promotes Taiji culture and is warmly welcomed by teachers and students. Their love of Tai Chi goes well beyond people’s imagination. Although these children, aged seven or eight, became immature and stiff at the beginning of learning Tai Chi, children’s learning momentum grew each day after repeated exercises and explanations of the meaning of each movement. With the passage of time, he