农村青年民兵大都有着致富憧憬。然而,在现实中,“小富”者有之,“大富”者有限,“暴富”者则是凤毛麟角。相当多的人辛苦一年数载,算总账,效果却不甚理想。 如何搞好生产经营赚钱致富,既是个技术问题,更是个策划与思路是否科学合理的问题。有人通过对大量致富能手致富轨迹分析和听其经验介绍,总结出规律:要想致富有大作为,仅靠传统的“出大力、流大汗”是
Most rural youth militias have the vision of getting rich. However, in reality, the “rich and the poor” have their own interests. The “rich and the poor” are limited, and the “rich and the rich” are rare. A considerable number of people a year of hard work, the general ledger, the effect is not very satisfactory. How to do a good job in making money and getting rich in production and operation is not only a technical issue but also a matter of science and rationality in planning and thinking. Some people through a wealth of rich track record of enrichment and listen to their experience, summed up the law: to make a big contribution to wealth, rely on the traditional “out vigorously, sweating” is