对侧耳属真菌次级代谢产物的化学及其生物学活性进展进行了综述。化学研究表明侧耳属真菌中蕴含有萜类、甾体类、酚酸衍生物、聚炔等多种结构类型的天然产物,这些化合物所具有的生物活性包括抗细菌、抗线虫、抗炎和抗肿瘤等。作用机制研究表明截短侧耳素类物质通过抑制肽酰转移酶活性而产生强抗菌作用;pleuroton B通过Bax/Bak通路诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡。
The chemical and biological activities of the secondary metabolites of Pleurotus were reviewed. Chemical studies have shown that Pleurotus fungi contain natural products of various structural types such as terpenoids, steroids, phenolic acids derivatives, polyacetylenes and the like, and these compounds have biological activity including anti-bacterial, anti-nematode, anti-inflammatory and anti- Tumor and so on. Mechanism of action studies have shown that pleuromutilin produces potent antimicrobial activity by inhibiting peptidyltransferase activity; pleuroton B induces tumor cell apoptosis via the Bax / Bak pathway.