On the toxicity of several agents on the greenfly whitefly eggs were also tested for synergist on the role of the agent to kill eggs synergistic effect. The results showed that the killing effect of all kinds of chemicals on the eggs of green-house whitefly was very low under the normal concentration, and the corrected mortality rate of eggs was between 1.46% and 14.04%. After adding 1000 times of synergist, The killing effect of various drugs was significantly improved, the corrected mortality rate of eggs can be increased to 17.4% -25.83%, the average efficiency coefficient of 5.72; the effect of various agents with the increase in the amount of synergist But significantly increased, the omethoate added 1000 times synergist, the egg corrected mortality rate of 19. g6%, while adding 500 times and 200 times the synergist, the corrected mortality of eggs, respectively, up to 71.41% and 83.88%.