Language Proficiency,Reading Development,and Learning Context

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  Abstract:With the development of economy,in this era of globalization,the number of students applying for studying abroad has increased sharply. At the same time,due to its rapid economic development and the improvement of Chinese international status,the Chinese government provides international students with opportunities to study in China. Study abroad programs in China are growing at many universities worldwide.
  Language,as a kind of social phenomenon,is affected by social factors all the time. In second language acquisition,we may encounter obstacles in reading is not merely from the proficiency of language knowledge itself,more deadly obstacles come from the cultural differences between the target language and native language to the effect of reading comprehension. so language is the cornerstone and carrier of culture. there will be no culture without languages.
  In this study we focus on the relationship among language proficiency,reading development,and learning contexts after carefully investigating.
  2.research method
  2. participants
  The participants were 120 learners of Chinese,who are native English speakers,among the ages of 18-2 from a famous university in the US. Their Chinese language proficiency was divided into three different levels:beginning,intermediate and advanced. At the each proficiency level,students were divided into two groups who are in China or in the US.
  As for the beginners,they had no or almost no studied Chinese before. Firstly they spent forty weeks in a intensive language in China.They would take Chinese 10 in China . When they come back to the US,they need to take the proficiency test. Then they took the equivalent of the regular course offered by the university in the US during the next semester and take Chinese 10 in the US.
  For the intermediate students had mastered at least Chinese 10 at the university in the previous semester. they also spent forty weeks in a intensive language in China. They would take Chinese 20 during the summer.When they come back to the US,they need to take the proficiency test. Then they took the equivalent of the regular course offered by the university in the US during the next semester and would study Chinese 20 at their home university in the US during the following fall semester.
  The advanced students were similar to the intermediate students. But they had finished Chinese 20 in the US,and would continue to Chinese 30 either in China or in the US.   2. Instruments
  The overall understanding of reading includes the reading process and its results.Therefore,both quantitative and qualitative methodology were taken.
  as for the quantitative methodology,such as the reading comprehension tests were used to accurately assess reading comprehension. While for the qualitative methods,such as observation,and interviews were used to exam the learners’ reading development process.
  Chinese language proficiency test:This tests was designed by the doctors at the university. It . it was launched to better Chinese language learner and to assess the students’ overall proficiency of Chinese after they finished a certain level of class. There were six proficiency levels:Beginning for Chinese 101,Beginning for Chinese 102,Intermediate for Chinese 201,Intermediate for Chinese 202,Advanced for Chinese 30 and Advanced for Chinese 302.
  Reading comprehension test:it developed from part of the reading section of simulated HSK(Chinese Proficiency Test for foreign learners of Chinese). There were seven levels in HSK. Level 1- was chosen as the post-test for beginners. Level 1- was used as the pre-test and Level 2- as the post-test for intermediate learners. Level 2- was used as the pre-test and Level 3- as the post-test for advanced leaners. Before being administered to the students,three doctors who teach Chinese at the university will evaluate.
  Observation:while the participants were doing the reading comprehension test,we Observe the participants’ reading behavior . meanwhile we should record.
  interview:The interview focused on their reading development in terms of the context.
  The next four questions for AH students were:
  1.How do you think about the test you did just now? Was it difficult or easy?
  2.during the past two semester studies,among the four skills:speaking,listening,reading and writing,which do you think has improved most?which has improved least? Give me some reasons
  3. Have you tried to improve your reading ability and proficiency?
  4. did your study during the last two semesters benefit to your reading development?
  The next four questions were for SA students:
  1.How do you think about the test you did just now? Was it difficult or easy?
  2.during the past two semester studies,among the four skills:speaking,listening,reading and writing,which do you think has improved most?which has improved least? Give me some reasons did your experience in China affected your reading ability and proficiency?
  4.did your study in China benefit to your reading in the long term?how do you think of your study in China on the reading development?
  2. procedure
  Except for the beginning level learners,who did not have previous learning experience. The pretest and post-test were conducted to exam the language proficiency and reading proficiency.
  For intermediate and advanced learners,last term final examination results were taken as their pretest scores.The proficiency tests were the same as the final test used for the students studying at home after they finished the fall semester. Therefore,the scores of the proficiency tests from the SA students and the final examinations of the fall semester from the AH students were used as the post-test scores.
  A similar procedure was applied to the conduction of the reading tests. Among the learners studying abroad groups,the intermediate and advanced students took a pretest two weeks before they went to China. All three groups who studying abroad took the post-test during the first two weeks of the next semester. Among the students studying at home,the intermediate and advanced students took the pretest in the first two weeks of the fall semester. All three groups took the post-tests in the last two weeks of the next semester.
  Interviews were conducted to test the relationship between students’ reading proficiency,development and different learning contexts.
  2. data analysis
  After conducting each test and interview,language proficiency tests and reading comprehension test were scored.
  In order to find out whether there was a significant difference between the study abroad group and at home group about the two proficiency levels,a 2x between-subject analysis of variance(ANOVA)was performed on the test scores as a function of proficiency levels(intermediate vs. advanced)and learning contexts(SA vs. AH).
  There were three limitations in this study.The first was that the lack of control in recruiting participants according to the level of language proficiency might cause some unexpected results.
  In addition,this study may only limit to the context where it is studied.
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摘 要:充分理解以人为本理念,结合新常态下对高校学生管理工作的新意义和新要求,不断在学生管理工作中构建起以人为本的理念,进行学生管理的理念更新、机制构建、模式创新、制度改革等,实现高校学生人性化管理。  关键词:以人为本;高校教育;学生管理工作  以人为本理念在中国有较为悠久的发展历史,在改革开放后更是在多个领域应用。新常态下高校学生管理工作被赋予新的意义,更加注重对学生人性的尊重和价值的挖掘,与
摘 要:信息技术越来越广泛应用于教学,小学英语利用信息技术,特别是多媒体,集图文声像与一体,直观形象,生动趣味的特点,能够吸引小学生的注意力,提高他们学习的积极性,激发学习兴趣。教师应该利用信息技术改变传统课堂的弊端,做到以学生为中心,发挥学生的主体作用,培养他们的创新思维,同时,利用信息技术可以营造良好的英语学习环境,提高学生的学习兴趣,也可以使教师做到兼顾全体和个体,因材施教。  关键词:信息
摘 要:高校学生政治价值观认同是学生对所处的政治世界的整体态度和看法,在高校重视思政工作的背景下,当前我国高校学生政治价值观认同感较强,但也存在着几个方面的问题。研究这些问题并提出改进措施,能够为政治价值观认同的构建和强化提供动力。  关键词:高校学生,政治价值观,认同  一、高校学生政治价值观认同及现状  价值观是人对待周围客观事物的的一种思维方式或情感取向,政治价值观指的是人们对所处的政治世界
对省略现象的考查已成为近年来英语高考试题中的常考点。因为省略这种语法手段既可避免重复,突出新的信息,又能使上下文更紧密地连接起来。这也正符合现代生活快节奏的需要。因此,在英语口语中,只要不损害结构和引起歧义,能省略的地方就尽可能省略。  但有时省略的成分,在句中占有相当的份量,能表达一定的信息,这无疑就增加了试题的难度。因此在解题时,除了应特别注意进行语境分析,从上文或上、下文中找出相关的省略成份
创新教育是世界性的改革潮流,它是素质教育的核心。通过语文教育,培养学生的创新意识,创新精神和创新能力,事关教育全局,意义非常重大。要实现这一目标,就必须彻底弄清什么是创新教育和怎样进行创新。  一、创新教育与创造教育是两个不同的概念  首先,创新的概念大于创造,发明前所示有的东西,或说“无中生有”,便是创造;创新除涵盖创造之义外,还具有把别人的东西、已有的东西用于创造活动的意义。创新更注重各种活动
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摘 要:我国对中职教育的注重,进一步使中职教育稳步提升,在带动各项事业增长中扮演着愈加紧要的关键作用。它在职业教育管理工作中发挥了良好的作用,实现学生教育管理团队的教育目标、思考教育哲学、探索教育规则、促进沟通和学习。  关键词:中职学生;教育管理;理念  引言:  应该说,进入职业学校的学生是一群自然分布在教育系统中的学生。一方面,他们可能有着不同的文化知识和学习能力,但同时他们也积极进取,广泛
摘 要:在数学教学过程中,培养学生科学良好的情感、态度、价值观,已成为师生共同寻求的新的理想境界。尤其在数学教学中,教师通过向学生宣讲中国数学家杰出的贡献,展示辉煌的数学史,来拓宽学生的视野,进行爱国主义教育。学生爱国主义情感激发的实现,将有力的促进学生对民族文化的理解,对历史责任的选择,对身边人和事的宽容,对集体对祖国的热爱。教师通过向学生宣讲中国数学家杰出的贡献,展示辉煌的数学史,来拓宽学生的
摘 要:艺术活动是关于美的活动,艺术的本质是什么,也即是美是什么的问题?这一千百年来为不同哲人激烈讨论过的话题,至于今天似乎还有许多有待于探讨的地方。艺术是人类有了自觉的审美意识形态后才产生,它是一种独特的意识形态,是人们对一切审美意识活动的总称。几千年来,人们对于艺术的本质是什么有着不同的看法,大致有:“客观宇宙精神表现说”,“人的主观精神的抒发”,“现实的模仿再现”这几种说法。  关键词:艺术