Research on Calculation Method of Graduation Requirements

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  【Abstract】Graduation requirements are the main quantitative indicators for engineering education certification, which plays an important role in assessing the quality of undergraduate professional education and guiding the development of undergraduate professional education. In order to reduce the difficulty and complexity of the calculation of the degree of achievement, this paper gives the evaluation method and the specific calculation realization process of the graduation requirement. Taking the analysis of the graduation requirement achievement index of the students of the school’s measurement and control technology and instrumentation as an example, the calculation results of the achievement degree of a certain class are analyzed statistically.
  【Key words】Engineering education professional certification; graduation requirements; achievement calculation
  【作者簡介】Chunyan Wang, Hao Sun, Yuanyuan Li, School of Opto-Electronic Engineering, Changchun University of Science and Technology.
  1. Preface
  The engineering education professional certification system is an external evaluation of the quality of personnel training in the industry and engineering education. The quality of student training is recognized,the core is to confirm that engineering graduates meet the established quality standards recognized by the industry. This is a qualification evaluation for training objectives and graduation export requirements. Doing this work earnestly is a key part of improving the quality of college graduates in China.
  This paper introduces the research results of the graduation requirements and the application of the measurement and control technology and instrumentation in the evaluation of higher engineering education.
  2. Graduation requirements achievement evaluation system
  The professional graduation requirement is assessed for two years, and the assessment of the graduation requirements for the course is once a year. The basis for the evaluation of the degree of achievement is the assessment materials for each teaching session, and the degree of achievement of graduation requirements is assessed by the “Course Assessment Analysis Method”. The evaluation system stipulates the evaluation basis and evaluation personnel of various teaching activities to ensure the effectiveness of the evaluation.
  3. Graduation requirements achievement evaluation method
  The method of assessing the degree of graduation requirements is measured by specific indicator points.   First, break down each graduation requirement and get specific indicator points that can arrange the teaching content and measure its effectiveness. Each graduation requirement usually corresponds to 2-4 indicator points. Then determine the supporting relationship between the teaching links (courses and practices) of each graduation requirement indicator point. When evaluating the degree of achievement of each indicator point, according to the implementation of the current syllabus, combined with the index point decomposition, select a course that is highly correlated with each indicator point for analysis and assign weight values. The sum of the selected course weight target values that support a certain indicator point is 1.0.
  At present, the evaluation methods[4] for the degree of graduation requirements generally adopted by colleges and universities include “assessment analysis method” and “score analysis method”.
  3.1 Assessment score analysis method
  Sample extraction: the principle of sample extraction is to ensure that the ratios of good, medium and poor are basically equal, and usually a teaching class is taken as a sample;
  Course support for graduation requirements: For example, the weight coefficient of the course supporting the index of a graduation requirement is 0.4, and the total score of the test paper is 100 points. The total score of the questions that are extracted to support the indicator points is 20 points, and the average score of the sample students on the selected questions is 15 points. The course evaluation value of the support index points is: evaluation value = 0.4 × (15/20) = 0.3.
  3.2 Score table analysis
  By developing detailed and measurable evaluation indicators, a score form is formed.Sample drawing: For graduates and employers, take a teaching class as a sample;Design a score sheet.Summarize the evaluation results.For each graduation requirement, the lowest score of each sub-item is taken as the final score, and the final evaluation result of each graduation requirement is obtained.
  4. Calculation of the degree of graduation requirements
  The evaluation of the graduation requirements of Changchun University of Science and Technology is mainly based on the assessment materials of each teaching course, and the evaluation of graduation requirements is evaluated by the “assessment analysis method”. Here, taking the error theory and data processing course of our school’s measurement and control technology and instrument specialty as an example, the implementation process of the specific calculation method is explained.
【摘要】在小学英语中,英语阅读的教学受到越来越多的重视,在小学英语的阅读教学过程中,英语绘本的使用关系到小学生对英语学习的阶段。在英语绘本的选择上,教师应当有一定的取舍能力,采用一定的阅读教学模式,能够有效地激发小学生在小学阶段的阅读兴趣,培养良好的阅读习惯,提升小学生英语阅读的效果。  【关键词】英语绘本;小学阶段;阅读兴趣  【作者简介】董青,江苏省苏州高新区成大实验小学校。  在小学英语教学
【摘要】“互联网 ”时代的来临给高职英语教学工作提出了新的要求,教师应该充分认识到信息化教学的必然性,制定科学完善的教学方案,注重对学生学习积极性的激发,确保学生在英语课堂上的踊跃参与。本文将对高职英语信息化教学的实施意义加以探析,并提出构建信息化教学模式的有效路径,希望能够充分发挥信息化教学优势,大幅度提升高职英语教学质量,从而为学生英语素质的全面发展奠定坚实的基础。  【关键词】“互联网 ”;
【摘要】社会经济和联网技术的发展,推动着互联网 模式融入到社会生活的各个方面,教育业,尤其是高等教育,在互联网 模式的深刻影响下,教育理念、教育机制和模式都发生了较大的改变。大学英语学科在这一趋势下也发展出许多基于网络信息技术的教学方向和途径,教学效率和教学质量较之传统模式有了明显提升,但也面新着的问题和挑战。大学英语教学工作者在教学方式转型过程中也需要进行相应学习和改变,迎接新的挑战。  【关键
【摘要】兴趣是英语学习的基础,兴趣的激发,不是游离于教学过程,而是伴随着教学过程始终,在整个课堂教学中完成的.小学生学习英语能否取得成功,很大程度上取决于他们对英语学习的兴趣。如果教学中不注意激发学生的学习兴趣,久而久之便会失去学习英语的动力.影响了学生学习和教师教学的效果.  【关键词】兴趣;环境;情景;作业评语  【作者简介】祖恩凤,巢湖市城北小学。  一、环境  所谓英语学习环境是指学生眼睛
【摘要】本文以模因论为主要的理论依据,针对某大学学生的英语学习水平展开了研究。以得出结论更好地将模因论教学概念运用到实践教学中,让学生通过熟读、熟记以及背诵将所学知识巩固为自身知识,提升英语写作及综合水平。  【关键词】大学英语;英语背诵;模因论  【作者简介】华文斌(1979.10-),男,汉族,江西人,硕士研究生,湖北文理学院,讲师,研究方向:英语语言学,英语语言教学法。  【基金项目】从模因
【简介】  我校开展“思维发展型课堂”教学探索已有几年的时间了,发展学生思维能力是我们课堂鲜明的特色。本教学设计将以牛津英语(深圳版),小学六年级下册,Unit 5 Crafts, Module 2 Work and play为例,探索思维工具与小学英语学科教学的融合方法。  【前期分析】  一、教学内容分析  本学期的教材内容主要围绕复习小学阶段前面学习过的语法知识展开。本单元为牛津英语(深圳版
【摘要】现代化信息技术不断发展和大学生综合能力发展需求的新形势下,大学英语教学改革尤为关键。本文将通过分析武汉体育学院大学英语教学现状和存在的问题,提出相应的建议。  【关键词】大学英语;教学改革;教学实践  【作者简介】蔡璇,武汉体育学院国际教育学院。  【基金项目】武汉体育学院校级教学研究项目:新一轮培养方案修订背景下武汉体育学院大学英语教学改革與实践,编号201305。  一、引言  大学英
【摘要】本文以课例阐述了读写整合教学中思维启发、引导的过程,方法和效果,说明从主题、语言、内容的角度挖掘读写联系点来促进学生思维品质的养成,实现以读促写,以写促读。  【关键词】思维;主题;语言;内容;读写整合  【作者简介】王玲,福州八中英语组。  一、研究背景  《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》把培养学生思维品质定为学科教学的重要实施内容,强调其逻辑性、批判性和创新性。思维与语言关系密