侧柏[Platycladus orientalis(L.)Fran-co]是我国重要的造林树种。本试验目的在于提供与育种有关的侧柏的染色体核型资料。实验材料取自安徽屯溪博村林场。处理方法如下:种子于20℃恒温下培养发根,根尖浸入0.2%秋水仙素溶液中处理6小时,水洗数次后用卡诺氏固定液(3:1)固定12-24小时,水洗数次后加入1N HCl溶液于60℃恒温中解离4分钟,再水洗数次后用改良石碳酸品红染液染色30分钟,然后用压片法制片。
Platycladus orientalis (L.) Fran-co is an important afforestation species in our country. The purpose of this experiment is to provide chromosomal karyotype information related to breeding of oriental arborvitae. Experimental materials from Anhui Tunxi Bo Village Forest Farm. The treatment method is as follows: The seeds were cultured at 20 ° C and the root tips were immersed in 0.2% colchicine solution for 6 hours, washed with water for several times and fixed with Carnot’s fixative solution (3: 1) for 12-24 hours, Several times after adding 1N HCl solution at 60 ℃ thermostat dissociation 4 minutes, and then washed several times with improved carbonate fuchsin staining for 30 minutes, and then tabletting tablet.