随着Internet的发展,信息安全变得越来越重要,因为网络的开放性而使系统更易受到攻击,系统安全话题永远是个新话题,本文主要比较Microsoft Active Platform中应用的安全性和Domino应用中的安全性级别。通过比较这2种不同的安全策略,试图对应用级的安全概念有个更深的认识。 众所周知,在Microsoft的安全策略中,存在两个基本的缺陷限制了其应用的安全模式:
With the development of the Internet, information security becomes more and more important. Because the openness of the network makes the system more vulnerable to attack, the topic of system security is always a new topic. This article mainly compares the security of applications in Microsoft Active Platform and the Domino application Security level. By comparing these two different security policies, we try to gain a deeper understanding of application-level security concepts. As we all know, in Microsoft’s security strategy, there are two basic defects that limit the security model of their application: