
来源 :机器人技术与应用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nev0618
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知识就是力量。伴随着我国科学技术的进步与发展,知识产权日益受到人们重视,专利越来越多地走进人们的视野。据国家知识产权局的统计数据,截至2010年11月底,我国受理的国内申请人专利申请量达到585.2万件,授权量331.9万件;国外申请人在华专利申请量102.7万件,授权量50.8万件。正在兴起的机器人技术,专利无疑不可缺漏。为促进国内的机器人技术发展,帮助业内人士了解国际国内的机器人技术专利情况,本刊将连续刊登相关文章,报道机器人领域的相关技术专利现状。本期详尽列出了日本2011年7~8月机器人领域专利申请的所有专利号及名称,供业内人士参考,更详细资料索取可联系期刊编辑部。 knowledge is power. With the progress and development of science and technology in our country, people pay more and more attention to intellectual property, and people are more and more patented. According to the statistics of the State Intellectual Property Office, as of the end of November 2010, the number of domestic applicants accepted in China reached 5,852,000 and the authorized amount was 3,319,000; the number of foreign-related patent applications in China was 1,027,000 and the authorized amount was 50.8 Million. The rise of robotics, patents are undoubtedly indispensable. In order to promote the development of domestic robot technology and help the insiders understand the international and domestic patent of robot technology, this journal will publish relevant articles continuously to report on the current status of related technology patents in the field of robotics. This issue contains an exhaustive list of all patent numbers and names of patent applications filed by Japan in the field of robotics from July to August 2011 for reference by professionals. For more detailed information, please contact the editorial department of the journal.
德国戴尔曼矿业系统公司生产的dh DT2型双臂凿岩台车,适用于岩巷掘进作业,其部件采用模块化设计,带有双旋转单元和可自动并行的BTL可伸缩钻臂,可实现快速而准确的钻孔定位;可配套
在家用电磁灶热效率测量中,应将标准水银温度计感温部分浸入水中且底端距离标准锅锅底10mm,插入深度与标准水银温度计检定时全浸方式的插入深度不同,本文按照JJF 1261.3-2010