但讨好“原著党”“死忠粉”绝非易事。以水灵灵、活泼泼,然终有瑕疵的真人翻拍一部动画经典的理由何在?留存在动画迷想象中的“人设”岂非更具千人千面的美好?豪掷1.6亿美元巨额投资的真人版《美女与野兽》精心制作,人物形象、服装、化妆、道具都在忠于原作的基础上,进行了大幅的提升。制片人大卫·霍伯曼坦言:“最难的地方在于既还原动画,又能有一定的创新性。有很多东西你在动画中或许省略,但在电影中不能。”这大概是现有技术条件下,以好莱坞工业模式,对真实与虚幻边界的极限探索了吧。当平面二维动画,以真人3D的形式栩栩如生地呈现在全画幅屏幕上,那几乎触手可折的玫瑰花、魔云笼罩下的黑色城堡、幽暗深远的森林小道、簌簌飘落的雪花,与出没其间的群狼,具有极佳的3D景深和立体层次。高超的CG特效,使剧中烛台、座钟、衣柜、茶壶茶杯母子,还有新加入的钢琴角色,拥有精致奢华的家具外表,又以生动的表情、动作展现出情态各异的鲜明性格。Be Our Guest承袭了原版动画中的经典场景,歌舞动作的形式感都一模一样,却比原版场景更为眩目夺人,营造了梦幻一般的效果,达到了视觉想象的极致。结尾时正邪双方的城堡大战,更充满了迪士尼式的卡通幽默。这些比真人主演更出彩的CG角色,模糊了真人电影与动画电影的界限,是否更为符合迪士尼当初的心中壮志:把虚幻的动画世界变成活生生的真实?
Fusion of the Real and the Unreal
By Wang Shu
In the early years of Disney, its animated films tell stories about humans, their romance and adventures. It wasn’t a strategy for innovation. It reflected a belief in retelling human stories and making them into fantasies. This strategy boosted Disney to the best maker of animated films.
In 1991, , an animated musical romantic fantasy drama film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures, grabbed Academy awards. It was also the first animated film ever to be nominated for Best Picture. The adaptation of the original fairytale is a masterpiece with touches of modernism and feminism. It received rave reviews from critics and the general public. It is undoubtedly one of the greatest animated films. And it ushered in the second glorified period of Disney films. Nowadays, however, Disney seems to be going in another direction. Some of its animated films now have action-live versions. in 2014 saw much modification. in 2015 basically did not change much from its animated version of 1950. in 2016 was a good remake of the namesake Disney animated movie of 1967. The ambition of the action-live version of the 1991 classic is understandable. The cast boasts big stars. The cast itself can attract a lot of film fans, not to mention the large following of the 1991 original film.
The 160-million-dollar film was an expensive recreation. It wasn’t meant to be an exact reproduction. Some changes had to be introduced as the 2016 version features real people in real life. It is indeed an extravagance of dream colors and objects. Watching the storyline unfolds and spectacular scenes materialize and fade away, one finds it hard to tell where the real ends and where the unreal starts. The demarcation line between the two sides of the fantasy is fuzzy and uncertain. Probably that’s exactly what Disney wanted to accomplish. For some filmgoers, it isn’t as good as the animated version made in 1991. Is it simply because the 2016 version is meant to make the film as authentic as the original one? Or is it because Hollywood can’t make a breakthrough? There may not be good answers. Nor is it important to ask questions and try to get answers. One can at least forget about questions and answers and allow the eyes to feast on the extravagant fantasy.
但讨好“原著党”“死忠粉”绝非易事。以水灵灵、活泼泼,然终有瑕疵的真人翻拍一部动画经典的理由何在?留存在动画迷想象中的“人设”岂非更具千人千面的美好?豪掷1.6亿美元巨额投资的真人版《美女与野兽》精心制作,人物形象、服装、化妆、道具都在忠于原作的基础上,进行了大幅的提升。制片人大卫·霍伯曼坦言:“最难的地方在于既还原动画,又能有一定的创新性。有很多东西你在动画中或许省略,但在电影中不能。”这大概是现有技术条件下,以好莱坞工业模式,对真实与虚幻边界的极限探索了吧。当平面二维动画,以真人3D的形式栩栩如生地呈现在全画幅屏幕上,那几乎触手可折的玫瑰花、魔云笼罩下的黑色城堡、幽暗深远的森林小道、簌簌飘落的雪花,与出没其间的群狼,具有极佳的3D景深和立体层次。高超的CG特效,使剧中烛台、座钟、衣柜、茶壶茶杯母子,还有新加入的钢琴角色,拥有精致奢华的家具外表,又以生动的表情、动作展现出情态各异的鲜明性格。Be Our Guest承袭了原版动画中的经典场景,歌舞动作的形式感都一模一样,却比原版场景更为眩目夺人,营造了梦幻一般的效果,达到了视觉想象的极致。结尾时正邪双方的城堡大战,更充满了迪士尼式的卡通幽默。这些比真人主演更出彩的CG角色,模糊了真人电影与动画电影的界限,是否更为符合迪士尼当初的心中壮志:把虚幻的动画世界变成活生生的真实?
Fusion of the Real and the Unreal
By Wang Shu
In the early years of Disney, its animated films tell stories about humans, their romance and adventures. It wasn’t a strategy for innovation. It reflected a belief in retelling human stories and making them into fantasies. This strategy boosted Disney to the best maker of animated films.
In 1991, , an animated musical romantic fantasy drama film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures, grabbed Academy awards. It was also the first animated film ever to be nominated for Best Picture. The adaptation of the original fairytale is a masterpiece with touches of modernism and feminism. It received rave reviews from critics and the general public. It is undoubtedly one of the greatest animated films. And it ushered in the second glorified period of Disney films. Nowadays, however, Disney seems to be going in another direction. Some of its animated films now have action-live versions. in 2014 saw much modification. in 2015 basically did not change much from its animated version of 1950. in 2016 was a good remake of the namesake Disney animated movie of 1967. The ambition of the action-live version of the 1991 classic is understandable. The cast boasts big stars. The cast itself can attract a lot of film fans, not to mention the large following of the 1991 original film.
The 160-million-dollar film was an expensive recreation. It wasn’t meant to be an exact reproduction. Some changes had to be introduced as the 2016 version features real people in real life. It is indeed an extravagance of dream colors and objects. Watching the storyline unfolds and spectacular scenes materialize and fade away, one finds it hard to tell where the real ends and where the unreal starts. The demarcation line between the two sides of the fantasy is fuzzy and uncertain. Probably that’s exactly what Disney wanted to accomplish. For some filmgoers, it isn’t as good as the animated version made in 1991. Is it simply because the 2016 version is meant to make the film as authentic as the original one? Or is it because Hollywood can’t make a breakthrough? There may not be good answers. Nor is it important to ask questions and try to get answers. One can at least forget about questions and answers and allow the eyes to feast on the extravagant fantasy.