横纹肌肉瘤系横纹肌软组织恶性肿瘤。头颈部以眼、耳、鼻、咽、喉为主要受累器官,常见于幼儿和 年青人,成年人少见。现将我科遇到的2例报告如下。1 病例报道 例1,男,38岁,农民,1986年10月发现右侧颜面颊部肿胀隆起,逐日加重伴右侧鼻塞,嗅觉下降,右眼溢泪,右侧上列牙痛伴头痛。右颈部触及2×3cm大小肿大淋巴结,触痛(+),活动差,仅左右能推移,上下固定,质中,右颜面颊部明显较左侧饱满
Rhabdomyosarcoma is a striated muscle soft tissue malignancy. Head and neck with eyes, ears, nose, pharynx, laryngeal as the main affected organs, common in young children and young adults rare. Now we encounter 2 cases reported as follows. 1 Case Report 1, male, 38 years old, farmer, in October 1986 found that the right facial cheek swelling and swelling, increasing with the right side of the nasal congestion day by day, the sense of smell decreased, the right eye tears, the right side of the toothache with headache. Right neck touched 2 × 3cm size of enlarged lymph nodes, tenderness (+), poor activity, only about can shift, up and down fixed, the right and left cheeks were significantly more full than the left