【摘 要】文章从工程造价审核质量控制的原则、审核的内容以及提高工程造价审核质量的措施等三个方面探讨了如何做好工程造价的审核工作。
Shallow talk exaltation engineering to build examine of price quality
Hu An-yun
(The interest turn city to audit a bureau Xinghua Jiangsu 225700)
【Abstract】The article build the principle that the price examine a quality control and examine from the engineering of contents and exaltation engineering build the measure that the price examine quality''s etc. three study how work well engineering to build examine of price work.
【Key words】The engineering build price;Examine quality;Measure
Shallow talk exaltation engineering to build examine of price quality
Hu An-yun
(The interest turn city to audit a bureau Xinghua Jiangsu 225700)
【Abstract】The article build the principle that the price examine a quality control and examine from the engineering of contents and exaltation engineering build the measure that the price examine quality''s etc. three study how work well engineering to build examine of price work.
【Key words】The engineering build price;Examine quality;Measure