老师在教授课外名著阅读欧亨利的The Last Leaf一文导入时,呈现了一片普通的绿叶:What can you think of while you are seeing this leaf? 学生一下子蒙了,只有个别学生谈到green, spring。
在读中环节,围绕树叶,教师让学生思考:What did Johnsy, Sue and Behrman think of the ivy leaves? 学生细读小说,找出了文中的描写:Johnsy: ‘The ivy leaves. When the last one falls, I must go, too. I want to turn loose my hold on everything, and go sailing down, down, just like one of those poor, tired leaves.’ Sue: ‘Oh, I never heard of such nonsense. Old ivy leaves have nothing to do with your getting well.’ Behrman: ‘Are there people in the world foolish enough to die because leaves drop off from a vine? I have never heard of such a thing.’ 在这一教学过程中,学生完成了字面阅读,重在记忆、理解文本信息,属于低阶思维训练。因为这类思维比较浅显,教师要引导学生加快阅读速度,提高思维的敏捷性。
针对文中的细节,教师让学生围绕树叶进行深度思考:Why do we call ‘the last leaf’ Behrman’s masterpiece? 学生各抒己见:Because it saved Johnsy’s life. Because it brought Johnsy hope. Because it made Johnsy brave to live on. 在赏析完小说后,教师让学生围绕标题开展批判性思维训练:Why does the author give the title: The Last Leaf? Do you think it is good or not? 学生通过分析,一致认为这是一个好标题:Johnsy轻易地把自己的生命与最后一片树叶联系在了一起,而放弃了自身的努力。Behrman则通过最后一片树叶拯救了Johnsy的命,实现了自身的毕生梦想——完成一幅巨作。Johnsy lived because of the last leaf while Behrman died because of it. The last leaf showed the beauty of human nature. 在深度阅读过程中,学生学会分析、评价文章标题,提升其思维的深刻性和批判性,培养学生的高阶思维能力。
1. How would Johnsy feel after knowing the truth?
2. Would Johnsy feel a little regretful(后悔的)?
3. If she was given another chance, what would she do?
一位学生在树叶上写到:To Behrman: Dear Behrman, I am very thankful about what you did for me. When I was badly ill, when I felt very hopeless and upset, you were the one who sacrificed yourself and drew a masterpiece to help me become hopeful. If I had another chance, I would do more meaningful things for you and other people. I will never lose heart when facing difficulty in the future. I’m glad to tell you that your masterpiece will be a classical painting forever.
课的最后,教师又一次呈现了一开始的那片普通的绿叶:What can you think of while you are seeing this leaf? 这一次学生争相举手:love, hope, thankful, never give up, the beauty of human nature, where there is courage, there is hope. 通过首尾呼应的方式,展现了学生语言积累,思维训练,情感培养的学习过程。
老师在教授课外名著阅读欧亨利的The Last Leaf一文导入时,呈现了一片普通的绿叶:What can you think of while you are seeing this leaf? 学生一下子蒙了,只有个别学生谈到green, spring。
在读中环节,围绕树叶,教师让学生思考:What did Johnsy, Sue and Behrman think of the ivy leaves? 学生细读小说,找出了文中的描写:Johnsy: ‘The ivy leaves. When the last one falls, I must go, too. I want to turn loose my hold on everything, and go sailing down, down, just like one of those poor, tired leaves.’ Sue: ‘Oh, I never heard of such nonsense. Old ivy leaves have nothing to do with your getting well.’ Behrman: ‘Are there people in the world foolish enough to die because leaves drop off from a vine? I have never heard of such a thing.’ 在这一教学过程中,学生完成了字面阅读,重在记忆、理解文本信息,属于低阶思维训练。因为这类思维比较浅显,教师要引导学生加快阅读速度,提高思维的敏捷性。
针对文中的细节,教师让学生围绕树叶进行深度思考:Why do we call ‘the last leaf’ Behrman’s masterpiece? 学生各抒己见:Because it saved Johnsy’s life. Because it brought Johnsy hope. Because it made Johnsy brave to live on. 在赏析完小说后,教师让学生围绕标题开展批判性思维训练:Why does the author give the title: The Last Leaf? Do you think it is good or not? 学生通过分析,一致认为这是一个好标题:Johnsy轻易地把自己的生命与最后一片树叶联系在了一起,而放弃了自身的努力。Behrman则通过最后一片树叶拯救了Johnsy的命,实现了自身的毕生梦想——完成一幅巨作。Johnsy lived because of the last leaf while Behrman died because of it. The last leaf showed the beauty of human nature. 在深度阅读过程中,学生学会分析、评价文章标题,提升其思维的深刻性和批判性,培养学生的高阶思维能力。
1. How would Johnsy feel after knowing the truth?
2. Would Johnsy feel a little regretful(后悔的)?
3. If she was given another chance, what would she do?
一位学生在树叶上写到:To Behrman: Dear Behrman, I am very thankful about what you did for me. When I was badly ill, when I felt very hopeless and upset, you were the one who sacrificed yourself and drew a masterpiece to help me become hopeful. If I had another chance, I would do more meaningful things for you and other people. I will never lose heart when facing difficulty in the future. I’m glad to tell you that your masterpiece will be a classical painting forever.
课的最后,教师又一次呈现了一开始的那片普通的绿叶:What can you think of while you are seeing this leaf? 这一次学生争相举手:love, hope, thankful, never give up, the beauty of human nature, where there is courage, there is hope. 通过首尾呼应的方式,展现了学生语言积累,思维训练,情感培养的学习过程。