2006年9月13日,甘肃省高级人民法院依法对“马家军”案进行二审并复核后作出终审判决。全案核准死刑6人,核准死缓4人,由原判死刑改判死缓1人,判处无期徒刑6人,10年以上有期徒刑16人, 5年以上10年以下有期徒刑16人,5年以下有期徒刑4人,有期徒刑缓刑1人,免予刑事处罚5人,宣告无罪4人。以上除依法对被告人荣一键由原判死刑改判死缓,被告人杜强因有自首等从轻情节依法由原判无期徒刑改判为17年有期徒刑,另12名被告人由原判有期徒刑刑期依法改判外,其余46人均维持了原判……至此,这起兰州市刑事犯罪涉黑团伙案件最长时间(两年多)的审判,在兰州市民的翘首企盼之中,终于尘埃落定。
On September 13, 2006, Gansu Provincial Higher People’s Court made a final judgment on the case of “Ma Jiajun” after its second instance and review. The case was approved six people were sentenced to death, approval of death 4, from the original sentenced to death sentenced to death 1, sentenced to life imprisonment of 6, 10 years imprisonment of 16 people, more than 5 years of 10 years of imprisonment of 16 people, less than 5 years 4 people were sentenced to imprisonment, 1 probation sentence, 5 people were exempted from criminal punishment and 4 people were acquitted. In addition to the above law in accordance with the defendant Rong a key by the original sentence of death sentenced to death, the defendant Du because of surrender and other circumstances from the original sentenced to life imprisonment of 17 years imprisonment, and the other 12 defendants were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment The sentence was sentenced to change according to law, the remaining 46 people maintained the original verdict ... ... So far, the most criminal cases of criminal gangs in Lanzhou gang cases (up to two years) trial, Lanzhou citizens in the highly anticipated, and finally settled .