当今世界,道路伤害已成为对人类生命安全威胁最大的“第一公害”,被称为“永不休止的战争”。据资料统计,在我国,道路伤害已成为我国城市居民特别是青年人群的首位伤害死因,在道路伤害死亡人数和道路伤害死亡率上,我国都位居世界各国之首。2003 年,我国平均每天有289人丧身车轮之下,由驾驶员原因造成的死亡人数约占总数的71.6%。其中,由于驾驶员的心理健康问题造成的事故达30.83% 。这些数字表明,交通事故在很大程度上还与驾车人的心理健康问题有关,驾驶员的心理健康问题到了不可忽视的地步。本期《安全会客厅》我们和辽宁省铁岭公安局宣传科何军先生一起谈论驾驶员心理状态与交通安全的话题。
In today’s world, road injuries have become the “first public nuisance” that threatens the safety of human life most and are called “never-ending wars.” According to statistics, in China, road injuries have become the first cause of injury among urban residents in our country, especially young people. On the number of road injuries and deaths caused by road injuries, China ranks first in the world. In 2003, on average, China suffered 289 deaths per day from the wheel, accounting for 71.6% of the total death toll caused by driver. Among them, the driver’s mental health problems caused 30.83% of accidents. These figures show that traffic accidents are also largely related to the driver’s mental health problems, and the driver’s mental health problems can not be ignored. Current issue of “Safety Association Living Room” We talked with Mr. He Jun, Publicity Section of Tieling Public Security Bureau of Liaoning Province about the driver’s mental state and traffic safety.