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常规钻完井液性能测试,一般温度(<180℃),压力(<30MPa)。面对高温深井(温度>200℃,压力>40MPa)时就捉襟见肘了。为了掌握200℃以上超高温高压勘探钻井技术,为开发超高温超高压钻完井液体系综合评价技术,精准模拟工作液在井下流动状态,重点按照钻井过程中钻井液在管内及环空中流动形态,实现钻井液在环空中轴向流动和径向转动的动态条件下的钻井液滤失实验、高温高压老化实验、岩屑分散实验、各种堵漏实验;也为了整合钻完井液性能测试需要设备繁多的问题;整合资源联合研制并优化了本高温高压钻完井液智能工作平台。既解决了高温深井温度、压力高的难题,也做到了一机多能,完成了钻完井液高温性能五种测试。 Conventional drilling and completion fluid performance test, the general temperature (<180 ℃), pressure (<30MPa). The face of high temperature deep (temperature> 200 ℃, pressure> 40MPa) stretched. In order to master the ultra-high temperature and high pressure exploration and drilling technology above 200 ℃, in order to develop the comprehensive evaluation technology of ultra-high temperature and high pressure drilling and completion fluid system, the working fluid can be precisely simulated in the downhole flow state, focusing on the drilling fluid flowing in the pipe and in the annulus , Drilling fluid filtrate loss experiment, high temperature and high pressure aging test, cuttings dispersion test and various plugging experiments under the dynamic conditions of axial flow and radial rotation of drilling fluid in the annulus are realized. In order to integrate drilling and completion fluid performance test Need a large number of equipment problems; integrated resources jointly developed and optimized the high temperature and pressure drilling and completion of intelligent work platform. Not only solved the problem of high temperature and deep well temperature and high pressure, but also achieved a multi-functional machine, completed the high temperature performance of drilling and completion fluid five kinds of tests.
系统性红斑狼疮(systemic lupus erythematosus,SLE)是一种复杂的非器官特异性自身免疫性疾病,患者体内存在多种针对核抗原成分的自身抗体,抗原抗体形成免疫复合物并沉积于器官和组织,引起临床上多系统受累的表现。
建设国际旅游岛,这意味着包括全部的政府系统、市场系统,都需要进行一次旅游战略、旅游战术、旅游服务意识的全局性转变。  海南的自然资源在开发过程中由于保护不够已经遭到了一定程度的破坏。 “要加倍珍惜和保护海南宝贵的自然资源。海南不只是中国的,也是世界的。”    海南与夏威夷至少还有20年的差距,建设国际旅游岛,海南任重道远。    “上半年都忙着庆祝活动,现在是静下来想一想到底该如何落实的时候了。